Sweet 16 party?!


Sweet 16 party?

im am having a sweet 16 and i have already decided on a theme which is a night at the oscar's but i dont know what kind of decorations or party favors or even color schemes......i need help.

How fun! I had the same theme for my sweet 16 and it was a blast! I would be happy to share with you what we did for mine. :)

Are you doing anything else on your birthday? Like, seeing a movie, going somewhere, etc? If so, you can tell your guests to bring their red carpet fassions ahead of time, or whatever. That way, if you wanted, you could go do something, come back, and get dolled up. It'd be really cool if you had designated areas for boys and girls, and maybe even have you mom and her friends volunteer to do your make-up red carpet style, and maybe even hair. You guys could feel like genuine hollywood stars.

Red carpet is a neccessity whether your guests are coming dressed up or are made so at your party location. You would be surprised how cheap you can get a few yards of cheap red fabric at any fabric store or even Wal-Mart. If you can pin it down, do so.

As far as colors? Black and silver. White and red play into that as well. If you wanted to go more retro, classic hollywood. Pink, black and silver would be perfect. Of course you don't have to use those colors, but they are by far the staples for hollywood.

As far as decorations, I used this site http://www.shindigz.com/catalog.cfm?cat=... At least you can get some ideas of what you like there and go out and find cheaper options. One really fun thing to do is buy or rent cardboard cut outs of celebrities that you can take pictures with at your party. You could take pictures with all your friends and that in itself is a great favor.

More decorations could include a display of you! It's your big day. You could get all dressed up a head of time and have your picture taken in various celebrity poses. You could post them on a black poster board and give it some glam touches or just post them around the room. As the night goes on, others could post there's up too.

I hope I didn't shove anything down your throat. This may not be your style or anything, but at least it's some ideas. Look at the site I gave you. I PROMISE you'll find stuff you love for everything.

Happy Birthday!

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