Ideas for a day trip Birthday Party for eight people (mild in price)?!

Question: Ideas for a day trip Birthday Party for eight people (mild in price)!?
I'm turning 14 and I'm really into having a birthday/day trip party with about 9 girlfriends!. I was thinking Catalina Island, but the ferry tickets are pricey for all those girls!. I am loacated in Southern California near places like laguna, and newport, san diego!. So if anyone has any ideas, i'll take anything! Thanks!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

try an amusement park on bracelet dayWww@FoodAQ@Com

Wow! For my birthday (or fun times) I just hang out with my friends at the mall, go bowling, eat at pizza hut, or something like that!. Or just watch movies with my sister for hours and hours! Happy Birthday!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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