How would i make an avacado face mask?!


How would i make an avacado face mask?

Buy a large avocado, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the pit, and hold each half up to your face. Then have somebody extract the pulp with a Sledgomatic.

just avocado, peel it,cut in half go along with the seed, take the seed out, and with a fork mash all the avocados together (proably about 3-4)

Try this:
Avacado's, milk and papya mashed, then rub onto face.

just give everyone around you some avacodo and tell them to stone you

If your skin is dry you could try this:

Avocado & Honey:
Mash together half avocado (eat the other half ... yum) with tablespoon honey.

I also found two other recipes online - one with avocado, cucumber & milk:

the other with avocado, cucumber & oats:

mash 8 up

If use ask this question uder the beauty sections you may get a better response. but

Mix 1/2 cup of avacado with 1/2 cup uncooked like a charm

everyone pretty much gave good anwsers, it is also good 4 ur hair

avocado, honey, touch of cream and some oatmeal blend in blender and bob you uncle you can also try peaches & cream with oatmeal or papaya mashed up no oatmeal not longer than 20min to keep if from sliding of use medical gauze not the parrafin one the dry one.

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