Decoration ideas?!


Decoration ideas?

if aanyone could help my with decoration ideas for my daughters fairy/elf theme party that would be great any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanku

Decoration Ideas
Think pastels, glitter, and flowers. Hang glittering beaded curtains on doorways so that the kids feel like they are entering an enchanted place. If you are having the party indoors be sure to have lots of flowers and potted plants in the party area. Put balloons in groups around the party area. Have bubbles floating around (great job for an older sibling). Hang white icicle Christmas lights. If you are having the party outdoors pick a garden spot, sprinkle glitter on the flowers and leaves and hang lights in trees.

This sounds sooo cute, doing it for my daughters party...

All of the guests are invited to make this a magical birthday by crowning the party girl a Fairy Princess and pretending to be fairies (including any boys).

The Princess will need a throne. The Birthday Fairy's magic bag contains something to help turn an ordinary chair into a golden thrown. Once opened, one of the young helper fairies pulls out a long piece of metallic fabric. A designated chair is covered and becomes a throne!

The Princess needs a beautiful dress, which also comes out of the magic bag.

Finally, the crown and magic wand are brought forth - but only the most magic word of all can open the magic bag - a word our parents taught us long ago. The word, of course, is "please".

The children need new fairy names.

After every young fairy has a new name, it is dress up time. Each fairy creates wings (something they can do at home for dress up) and is dressed in special fairy clothes. The costumes go over the children's own clothing and is coordinated to what they are wearing.

Capturing the Magic
Once this transformation is complete, it's time for pictures. Each child will be posed with the Birthday Princess and the Birthday Fairy. A designated adult (you choose someone in advance for this duty) snaps the pic.

If enough time is left, the Birthday Fairy and party group create a fairy tale for the Princess. Each child chooses a rubber stamp and the Birthday Fairy stamps out a picture to be kept by the Princess. Once all of the stamps have been chosen and stamped, the Birthday Fairy weaves a tale about the Birthday Princess, her magical guests, and all the wonderful things they have brought her this day.

get a set of fairy wings or wands & gold coins for all of them from a cheap party store. Pixi Sticks candy (i think they still sell those)
Lots of streamers and sparkling things.

go to: Target, party stores, Wal-Mart, K-Mart and the dollar store.

Fairy Tale theme, you could go into the fairy tale princesses, which is all the Disney Princesses. Or you can put together a Never Never Land type of place.

Even, things that she likes or wishes that she could have... Try to make it her fairy tale place or dream place to go!

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