Any suggestions on food for a birthday party in or around 90731?!


Any suggestions on food for a birthday party in or around 90731?

im having a birthday party for my one year old its going to be kinda small my sister suggested peruvian food but im not sure everyone will enjoy it. i dont want to do the pizza thing but im not sure what other options are more likley to please the majority of the guests.

This is a super simple recipe that can feed a million and ten people.

Pasta ala spiniche verde

Depending on how many people are attending, make enough penne pasta to serve everybody a decent amount. Make a spinich pesto, out of frsh spinach, not canned or frozen, FRESH!!! Low fat cream cheese, Parmesan Cheese, salt and pepper, and a little bit of olive oil. Add a spoonful of pasta water to the concotion and process well. pour over hot pasta and garnish with lemon and spinach leaves

have a bbq with many different kinds of food on the menu

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