My daughter will be turning sixteen in June and I need some party ideas.?!


My daughter will be turning sixteen in June and I need some party ideas.?

She likes to play the dance DVR game and she loves rock music and music from the 60s/70s. She is in honor classes but has a sense of humor. She is beautiful and hip with a touch of geekness in her character. I am telling this because she hangs out with people from all walks of life. I need a theme that will be good for everyone. She is also part hispanic and has been raised with her culture. We are going to have two parties. One for the family (both sides) and one for her friends. That is the one I'm worried about. She is allowed to invite 200 friends and it will be from 7 to 10 pm which is curfew. No liquor or promiscuity allowed and forms will have to be filled out with contact info in case of accidents or behavior problems. Our budget is $2500. Do you play games at 16th birthday parties? What would you serve for food and beverages? What kind of Decorations? All ideas would be appreciated!

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5 months ago
My daughter said she wanted me to surprise her but with all of these great ideas maybe she won't be able to help but give me some input! I know I'm getting even more excited. Thanks for all of the great ideas. Keep them coming!!!!

5 months ago
My daughter said she wanted me to surprise her but with all of these great ideas maybe she won't be able to help but give me some input! I know I'm getting even more excited. Thanks for all of the great ideas. Keep them coming!!!!

Wow! 200 friends, I knew a lot of folks in highschool but would of never been able to invite 200 friends, your seem like a cool parent. At 16 I would of loved to have my friends there and have the music going, good would probably be more on the junk side of food like chips, pizza, stuff like that, for drinks I would just do soda's, most teenagers drink that...or you could just have a huge bbq and have hamburgers and hotdogs and stuff like that.

What about an 80's party? Since she was born in 1981, do some searches and put together a music track based around the Top 10 hits from the Eighties. Likewise maybe show some 80's movies. Ideas for decorating, have all the Invitees to provide a childhood picture and post them around and have everyone guess Who's Who?

A very thoughtful parent... From what you have said, I think a club House shall be an ideal place for her birthday party as it has all the facilities for all walks of life.

For your consideration.

you could serve all desserts. that will keep the budget down and kids love that stuff. Maybe get a DJ and have some dance contests. Kids like line dances like electric slide and all that stuff.
200 kids, thats a big party, GOOD LUCK! My daughter just had her sweet 16 and we rented a limo and took her and 10 friends out to lunch in the city. Much smaller scale but she absolutely loved it!
Here's a GREAT idea..go to you can upload digital photos from the party and they make you a book, a real book with a hard cover for as little as thirty bucks. I passed around a notebook to my daughters friends and they all wrote nice things, and funny things about her, and I put them all in the book with the photos. Shutterfly did a great job.

What a lucky girl CZ of you ;)

Im 16 years old and I think i can help you out with this. you said she likes to dance. they have this game called "DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION" that plays exactly the music she likes. 60's 70's and rock. Its great for a house. Its really fun. Plus she likes to dance. It comes with a little pad you dance on. Next get her a screen cake. a cake that has her pic of it. your local publix can do that for you. it looks real cool to. After that get some pizza, soda, sandwiches, (i prefer subs). whatever she likes GET IT. Ask her what she likes to do and work from what she tells you. let her help plan the party. I would type alot more but im in computer class :-P hahaha. if u need more info lemme know.

What a question!

If she loves music of th 60s/70s a party themed from that era would probably be a lot of fun.

Instead of games, they could tie-dye t-shirts and take their shirts home as party favors.

Some teens like games, others don't - games that are enjoyed include card and board games set up in a quiet room, where they can play if they want to - no need to get anything new, just whatever is on hand. Make sure this room is watched however, because quiet places usually are the ones chosen for inappropriate activity.

Decorations are not usually a big thing for teens - sometimes just balloons and streamers in the teen's favorite colors, others prefer fresh flowers.

Food and beverages should be up to your daughter, if she and her friends like pizza, pizza is what it should be. Canned soda, single serving bottled water and single serving bottledjuices decrease the amount of mixing, where kids may bring in alcohol and pour it into their glass.

The best thing to do, however, is to ask your daughter what she would like. She's about to be 16, that's huge, but there is a lot of responsbility that goes with being older, the more you involve her in this process of celebrating the event, the more she will feel that you are aware of that fact and willing to let her grow up.

Have a luau and get your decorations from The Oriental Trading Company on line, they have a great section for party decorations, luau-themed rubber duckies, all sorts!! I got some great decorations for my wedding from there and have got the rubber ducky angels as favours.

What a nice parent! With 200 kids, I'd try for a themed dance party - perhaps either a "sock hop" or a "That's so 70s" party so the kids can come dressed up. If it's a sock hop perhaps have twist contests, etc. For 70s perhaps do contest for most hip hippy or something like that. For food I'd stick w/casual - pizza, chips, sodas. The music, the dressing up...that's the stuff the kids would focus on. Also, what does your daughter want - does she have any special requests for the party?

throw a karoke party ask he what food she wants it will fall together from there

well, i am 17 and for my 16th I had a dinner party which is not the kind of thing you are looking for, but for my sister's 16th we are having a rollerskating party at a sports center near where we live. For my older sister, we had a party with a live band at a hall which was loads of fun too, and my dad gave a speech with photos from when she was young which was embarrassing for her but everyone else thought it was funny. My friend had a pinyata at her 18th so I guess you could do that for a 16th. I don't think you need to bother with decorations, or maybe you can put up some lights they are always cool but get loads of loud music or a band ;) and then just have some snacky food and cans are cool. But this coming from England, so I don't know if we'd do things the same. Anyways, hope that helps.

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