I'd like to host an '80s-themed party for ~25 guests. What are some good ideas?!


I'd like to host an '80s-themed party for ~25 guests. What are some good ideas?

I've got music, movies, and an '80s-regalia-only dress code covered. :-) Drinks, foods, and games are where I'd like some suggestions. Anyone? Anyone?

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5 months ago
Oh, and decorations too. Can't forget those!

5 months ago
Oh, and decorations too. Can't forget those!

Your party sounds like so much fun! Can I come! ;)

For drinks, give them fun names after 80's movies. For example, make a Cosmopolitan but call it "Pretty in Pink." Mix cranberry juice, blue curacao, and vodka for a "Purple Rain."

Food--you have to have a big bowl of Recee's Pieces! You could serve gourmet pizza--that was a big thing in the 80's with Wolfgang Puck's gourmet pizza with bar-b-que chicken and other "fancy" toppings. Sushi was also just becoming really big in the 80's.

For games--have a competition to see who can solve a Rubik's cube the fastest. Play 80's charades where people have to act out 80's movies and events or 80's Pictionary. Have a Trivial Pursuit Contest. If your group isn't shy about dancing--have a breakdancing contest or a dance-off of great 80's dances like The PacMan. Put a big jar of jelly beans out (Ronald Reagan's favorite!) and have people guess how many jelly beans are in it. Winner gets the jar and a small prize (maybe a collection of 80's movies?)

I think using neon colors/bright colors would be good for decorations; geometric shapes - lots of squares, circles, etc.

There is a web site called The 80's Server - maybe they'd have some pictures and whatnot.

Actually, I bet if you put 80's clothes or party into Google images, you can get some great ideas, too.

Have a wonderful party!

For the games, I'd go with Trivial Pursuit (the blue or yellow box). I don't know how old you are, but Mountain Dew, Pepsi, cheap beer, Boones Farm wine, wine coolers, for drinks. For food, frozen pizzas, Doritos, classic junk food from high school. Think cafeteria food. For decorations I'd go with those novelty strings of lights (like chili pepper lights), maybe a lava lamp.

Hrm, all I can think of right now. Have a blast!

Madonna music


Who Has the Biggest Hair Contest

Sonny Crockett Look Alike Contest

this sounds kind of lame,

But wasn't KFC the thing back in the 80's? I remember the bucket o chicken seemed to be in all the movies....

Games - http://www.80s.com/80s_game/

Sounds like fun--what a great idea! For games, trivia pursuit of course!! and you can't forget the reeces peanut butter m&m's (remember from E.T.) There are several websites dedicated to the 80's though, you probably could get a ton of great ideas from there.

Look online for cheap, cheezy 80's paraphernalia (e-bay is a gold mine). My friend did this and for prizes, she gave out jelly bracelets, "Where's the Beef?" stickers, and other silly little things like that.

Silly string is also a must. So are Nerds, Pop Rocks, and Jolly Ranchers.

For games, she had 80's trivia and Fill in the 80's Song Lyric, as well as celebrity impersonation contests (who could moonwalk the best, sing "Whip it" the best, who most channeled Madonna or Ronald Reagan (or Alex Keaton)..). She finished off the evening with 80's karaoke. OMG. Too funny.

We had a blast!

check out evite.com; you will get ideas and information as well as a way to send out electronic invitations. i use it alot.

Let's see.....a disco ball and disco music, "Saturday Night Fever" movie, Pina Coladas, "Another One Bites the Dust" by Bob Seeger, fake tattoos (the real ones were in), nachos, wine, a large flower for decoration in the hair, Trivial Pursuit, Twister. That's all I can think of for now. Hope it helps!

check out the movies for decore,see what was popular in the 80s for drinks,party food is about the same as today,pizza,dips,chips,buffalo... wings were big then also swedish meat balls..dont forget ice cream,they started coming out with crazy names and flavors back then..gl n have fun

Some board games have 80s editions now such as Trivial Pursuit and Name that Tune.

This site has lots of popular foods from the 80s


You could play 7 degrees of Bacon (7 people between another person & Kevin Bacon).
Ouija Board is ver 80s
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a board

The movie "wedding singer " has tons of 80's themes in it, check it out for more ideas. As far as food and drinks ,you gotta have bartles and james wine coolers , they were so popular in the 80's . so were all the foo-foo drinks like pina coladas . Zima would be funny too. For games you could put stickers on the back of everyone with 80's musicians or songs on them and have everyone ask yes or no questions only to figure out who they are. There should also be a prize for best 80's hair , since we wre fanatic about our hair .. think flock of seagulls . or maybe a best version of maddonna prize. Fast food was big in the 80's but so was sushi .. so any fun finger stuff would be cool . sounds like fun :)

There are a number of 80s trivia games and books on the market now. Also, there are ready-made quizzes, lyrics trivia, etc., but if you're feeling creative or want to personalize it, you can find crossword or wordsearch generators online.


Salty: Combos, Bugles, Pringles, Doritos, Dominos Pizza (Avoid the Noid)
Sweet: Pez (with cheesy dispensers -- check ebay for specific ones, but you can usually find various superheroes and cartoon characters), Twinkies,
I liked the Reese's Pieces suggestion someone else gave, also visit one of those candy stores at the mall where they have everything and buy up a bunch of the old stuff for prizes.

Drinks: Coca-Cola (in glass bottles, if you can find it!), Tab diet soda (still available in some areas), and do they still make Snapple? Or Yoo-hoo? Or Jolt Cola? :) Evian for sure.

I'd also suggest a DVD or two with music videos from that era. Tivo "I Love the 80s" off VH1 or something.

Can you find any jelly bracelets? you can use them scattered over your table cloth just as some people scatter glitter or confetti.

Drink TAB. Can you find some Crystal Pepsi or was it Pepsi Clear?

Smurfs, Carebears, GIJoe

Of course you have already bought the Totally 80's version of Trivial Pursuit.


In the 80's I remember my friends and I having Eddie Murphy's Delirious video on. It was hilarious.

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