Cheese Course?!


Cheese Course?

What is the best time to serve a cheese course at a formal dinner when you are also having a dessert?

Cheese should be served before the meal, as an appetizer. If served after the meal it can be done with fresh fruit as a dessert.

You serve cheese with wine as the socializing event before you sit down at the table.

After the dessert.

At the start with other finger foods.

at the very end of the meal

before or after. Usually before, so you can enjoy the wine and cheese without the hint of the dinner and desert you just ate....

At the very beginning as an appetizer. Having small samples of different cheeses and comparing them with a nice wine selection. Makes for great conversations and pallet cleansers to enjoy a great dinner.

A cheese course of a formal dinner is after the dinner.

(You can serve cheese before the meal but then it is an appetizer and not a formal cheese course.)

look at this web site for help with planning your cheese course:

Not sure if it's before or after dessert, but it's after the main meal, and best served with fruit - sliced pears, sliced apples, grapes, sliced kiwi, etc. Cheese & fruit go together nicely.

After Dessert if you are serving both . If some people prefer cheese,then it is Etiquette to serve this during the sweet,Some people like coffee with their cheese,others prefer coffee after the cheese course.Traditionally coffee is served after cheese.So 1.Starter.( "Sorbet".) 2.Main Course.3.Dessert.4.Cheese and fruit Course.5.Coffee,Mints or Petite fours.

as an appetizer

As an appetizer.. have the tray sitting out while the guests are mingling (cheese always tastes the best at room temperature).

maybe you can serve it as an appetizer or you can put it with the dessert or you can put it right before the dessert. I would do it as an appetizer but thats my oppinion.! but just dont put it out after the dessert!

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