Question for bartenders?!


Question for bartenders?

i bartend and im trying to make up a new diff drink, can anyone give me any ideas, thanks

Try something with rum that doesn't taste like lighter fluid, cough syrup or fruit. I don't recommend anything with an energy drink, because young drinkers can tend to drink waaaay too much before you may notice they have had waaaay too many. But something not too sweet. Something like gasoline, but with a better flavor. I'm anxious to see what you come up with. Best of luck.

Try a Carrot Cake. In a short glass over ice, pour 1 shot cinnamon schapps, 1 shot Baileys, and 1 shot Kahlua. Believe it or not, it really does taste like carrot cake!

try your best beer with a non-alcholic wine that is made by mixing apple juice and 7-up/sprite and mix the beer with the non-alcholic wine it makes a very good champagne

Hey There! I bartend and I bought a book of drinks and shots I keep at the bar and feature a few every week that are new to me and usually to most people. Some of my favs are
Oatmeal Cookie shot - equal parts baileys and buttershots with a hint of goldschlager (serve chilled)
Baby Guiness Shots - layered shot Kahlua first 3/4, then baileys on top
One, I and some regs at my bar made up is called THE JIMMER
1/3 jager, 1/3 melon, 1/3 rye - Chilled is better. Sounds yuck but is pretty good!
And A fav drink to make if you do blender drinks are bellinis - appleton rum 1 ounce, champagne, sparkling wine or sprite, shaved ice and fruit daquri mix. Strawberry, Peach, Mango and Raspberry REALLY good! Blend well Depending on glass size will determine amount of ice, mix and champagne, wine or sprite needed. Champagne is thee best choice, but sparkling wine does the job, and sprite if either of these available, bubbles give a get texture to drink!
Also, if you want to make up your own drink - My fellow bartenders and I get together once and awhile and experiment on each other - gives you ideas and gets you super drunk - LOL!!!

some of my best creations are variations of already existing drinks. ie. replacing the vodka in a cosmo with rum and serving it shot form. people got tired of red headed sluts, so someone out there decided to try pineapple juice instead of cranberry and voila - the surfer on acid was born. keep in mind that there are only so many liquors and mixers out there, and that everything has been done before somewhere by someone, just with a different name. keep it simple - if you can't make something tasty with three ingredients, it's probably not worth making.

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