HELP! Im organizing a 14th birthday party?!

Question: HELP! Im organizing a 14th birthday party!?

Im trying to organize my 14th birthday party

Its going ot be at my house

I really need some help with EVERYTHING!


What food would be good!?
What drinks would be good!?
Or anything else you can think of

Any help will be appreciated

I think about 25 people will be coming

Thanks you so much!


is it boys and girls!? you should have lots of!.!. finger-food if you get me!?
like cold pizza, chocolate, mini quiches etc!. or maybe even a chocolate fondu, i did that you have:
white chocolate melted in a bowl!.
dark chococlate melted too
and the same with plain chcolate (only need like one bar per type)
and you can just dunk strawberries and biscuits and sweets in there, its really fun and yummy!
drinks, keep it to typical cola, or lemonade- no alcoholic haha!.
games, you could play truth or dare, its always good or you could al watch a movie, then afterwards go for a walk or something!.!. theres so much you can do that is non-expensive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

hmmm sounds stressfull!. wel you have to start somewhere, what i did was get your self an a4 writing pad!. write down your guests names!. being organisd is the key, think of foods you like, dont need anything too extravagant, just finger foods, cocktail suasages, sausage rolls, sandwitches, chips, wedges, chicken popcorn, then small bowles of jellies , chocolates, bars, sweets etc, dedicate a few pages of your notepad to food, but keep a budget, you dont want to sped too much!! :D,
music, rumage through your room your sure to find some good cd's!. theres no need for dj, a load stereo and cds work wonders!.!.!. :D
time, make out a rough timetable, for example start at 5 o clock, 1 hour for meeting and greeting, hour for food 2 hours dancing, nest hour cake and presants, 1 hour for games!.!.!. it dosnt have to be completely accurate, but at least you wont be leaving out imortant stuff at your party!.!.!. :D
drinks, your too young for alcohol, just get loadsof bottles of fizzy drinks, coke, fanta, lemon, etc, you can mostly but big 3 packs at most super markets!.!.!.!. get a few, its better to have too much that not enough, leave paper cups out and allow peopl to full access!.!.
games: truth or dare deffinatly for 14th party, twisters a good laugh, 7 minutes in heaven,,,!.!.(boy and girl time in dark)!.!. disco games!.!. compettoins etc!.!.!.!.!.

hope iv helped!.!.!. (BEST ANSWER) :D!.!.
happy birthday, hope you have a great day hun!.!. xxxWww@FoodAQ@Com

My advice is dont have a party at all!.!. 14 year olds dont appreciate bday parties like 8 year olds!. They want to party!. They go to dances and stuff and thats what they find fun!. Maybe take your kid to the mall and let them shop around instead of spending so much on party stuff and feeding other people!.

Having a "good party" consists of spending $100s of dollars!. They are usually not worth it for teens for example a girl i used to know had a bday party at her house (she was 13) she had all the things down banners,ballons,cake,pop, activities,movies!. etc!. The movie sucked and we couldnt even finish watching it, the "fun part" was finger painting! and she only had two types of pop which no one even liked!. The food wasnt bad and not to mention her parents were there!. So it was pretty much awful and everyone couldnt wait to leave!. We all felt bad for her!.
And they all ended up getting her a shitty gift!. They went to stitches and each got her a tee for $5! I got her a $50 gift card to someplace and she didnt even care! So yeah!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Music: Any! *ahem* Excluding opera!. :) *cough*

Food: Usual party food, PLENTY of party rings, crisps etc!. Have at least 2 big cakes!. Have triangular sandwiches, but no that many as everyone prefers snacks!. :D

Drinks: x2 coke, x1 diet coke, x1 lemonade x1 fanta, and some pinapple, apple and orange juice to mix things up a little!.

Time: 7-ish until 12!?Try not to have guests too long- it gets boring after a while usually!. :P

Games: Spin the bottle!!! Blind mans buff, the usual active party games!. :) (i strongly recommend (HiDE THE SMARTIES!!!) :D :D (caution, will need about 10 tubes of 'em!!)

p!.s!. Wow!! Whens your birthday!? Im 14 in the middle of march!. ^_^Www@FoodAQ@Com

Buffet is always good XD
And jelly ;)

Lots of music :D try getting a playlist together of your guests favourite songs, that way you know they will like what you play!.

Lots of decorations is always effective haha - balloons and banners etc!.

Hope it's a great party!
Have a good birthday :D

be yourself!. and just dont hang with the populars if they come, hang with ur real friends too!
make a check list too! it helps alot

" I say a red, green, and yellow theme wit spiked cucumber drink you all gonna get real good is all going to be "Happy Days Happy days" is all going to be good when the brothers are in the house "

great man,
Clarence WashingtonWww@FoodAQ@Com

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