Fun things to do for a surprise 21st birthday party for my son!?!

Question: Fun things to do for a surprise 21st birthday party for my son!!?
So we have a huge dorky bounce house, a jackass velcro wall, a couple dirtbikes, disk golf, a bbq, some fishing so far!.!.!.this is a clean and sober event and I wanna know some other FUN things to do for this all guy event!.!.!.!.IDEAS anyone !!!?!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Spicy it up a bit with some classy yet hot waitress girls (or guys)!.Keep it clean but let them dress in cute cocktail dresses or nice shirts w!. bow ties and carry around drinks and food or even referee some of your events!. It'll really lend the party a sophisticated adult feeling without becoming trash or non-family orientated!. Find them through a catering company so they'll be professional!. That will really surprise your son and his buddies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

pie throwing, a stripper maybe, dancing, bonfire, karaoke, since you have a pond, maybe get some remote control boats and you could have a race, i mean he is 21 so threes not much to do, most guys just get drunk and that's about it!.or you could have everyone dress up in costumes, lol!.!.!.that would definately bring some entertainment to the party!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that what you have sounds great; but, it is hard for me to imagine a 21st birthday party, bbq, or fishing without beer!.

Ohh, I like the eating contest idea!.Www@FoodAQ@Com



-eating contestWww@FoodAQ@Com

Get a ping pong table!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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