Party Ideas for 12 year olds?!

Question: Party Ideas for 12 year olds!?
Ok!. Im turing 12 and I want the coolest party! Nothingn really exspencive eathier!. Plus my B-day is in the winter so it is really cold!. And we are not going to the ice rink!. Please help!Www@FoodAQ@Com

have a spa sleep over!. do hair, makeup, manicures, and pedicures then sit around talk and watch a movie!. then in the morning make pancakes or waffles!. my sister had one a couple of months ago and her and all her friends had a blast!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

-Bowling Alley

-Movie Theater

-Have it at your house (if your parents will allow it) and have a "spa" themed party!. Have pedicures, manicures, facemasks, etc!. Then end the night with a chick flick :)

-Craft Center where you are your guests could each pick and craft to do

-Bring a few friends to a baking class and bake your own birthday cake/cupcakes (or have a baking party at your house if your parents will allow it)Www@FoodAQ@Com

you could have a huge teepee style bon fire!. supervised of course!. with music you and your friends like also of course!. you could do whatever your into and alot of it!. maybe play those games everyone played at that age like, truth or dare or spin the bottle!. all those classic favorites!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

throw a themed party like the oscars and have everyone dress up and take pics red carpet style then rent a bunch of movies and have catagories like best comedy and choose your fav!.!. funny movies its awsome youll have funn i promiseWww@FoodAQ@Com

try having a diva party!.!.!.everybody fix there hair soak feet put on spa package, paint nails and toes, have pizza and virgin frozen drinks!. best pajama prize or best makeover prize!.!.!.!.dollar tree has all supplies for 1!.00 each accessoryWww@FoodAQ@Com

Nothing says cool like getting drunk!. Have your coolest uncle buy you a bottle of vodka, and challenge your friends to be as cool as you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When is your birthday!? Soon or in the future!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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