Please help me with door prize givaway?!

Question: Please help me with door prize givaway!?
We are having our (restaurant) work Christmas party tonight!. There is a bunch of stuff to be given away, t-shirts, games, wine, etc!. I was creating an Oscar-type ballot- so we can vote on the winners!. So far I have- Best Dressed, Best Comedic, Best Dramatic, Best Whiner, Best Whino, can you think of anything other catagories!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think I would trash that idea from an HR standpoint someone may feel bad about being called a whino and then you have a law suit in todays world you never know!. Perhaps you could give tickets out and do a drawing I know it's boring but!.!.!.!.safe!.Or you could pick the first ticket that person goes up says how long they have been with you a little about themselves and pick the next persons allowing all coworkers to get to know eac other better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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