Where can get cheap 'gear'?!


Where can get cheap 'gear'?

you implying you want to buy "weed" "dope" "Gange" or "pot" and the slang goes on.........Grow your own!!! and put the dealers out of business!

I guess it all depends on what kind of gear you want. Um...I suppose you could find cheap camping gear at an army surplus store. Cheap biking gear and play it again sports and most other gear you can find cheap on ebay. like Metal Gear, Gears for model trains, maybe some cool gear for your GI Joe toys. And I think I even saw some used headgear...

go to an inner city goodwill store and load up. I find hillfinger, D&G, fubu, pollo, phatfarm the hole nine cheaper in that store.

It sounds as if your asking for Drugs....???
if so you should be reported and removed

Amsterdam my spiky friend. Lets all go right now.....

got some birds going cheap but no gear

Depends what "Gear" your after?

simple........ you can't

a hobo

IFyou can find one buy a Moscovitch or Lada car. You will have enough cheap gear to last you a lifetime !!!

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