Need help for formal party!!plz any advice!?!


Need help for formal party!!plz any advice!?

I'm having a formal dinner for 15th bday. Its a late dinner on our boucany with candles etc. It's for me and my friends and we're all gonna be dressed up and stuff and its from 7-11. It's still sunny at 7, and i won't take them out to the boucany to have dinner until about 8 ish. Any ideas of what i could do to occupy them for about an hour-ish??

I don't want to cut the "party" an hour short...cuz then it'll just be too short and we won't be able to hang out for that long..

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5 months ago
yes...i know i can't spell.....

5 months ago
yes...i know i can't spell.....

Offer cocktail food and drinks (mocktail drinks to be exact) when your guests arrive. Play relaxing music but leave it in the background.

Serve dinner (a five-course meal will be good) at around 8ish and be sure you have at least 2 waiters to assist you. A bartender can come in handy.

It will be exciting to have a theme for the formal dinner besides it being your birthday. You can do the red carpet, the oscars or somethig like that. Movie themes may also be nice... or do the 30s or something.

My friend had a formal dinner for her husband's birthday and the theme was rose, cigar and champagne. Male guests were given a cigar upon arrival while women were given roses for either the hair or the wrist. Champagne was of course flowing throughout the night. Of course at 15 you cant do something like this but at least this may give you ideas on how you want to do oyur own party-- whatever is the interest of 15yr olds these days!...

Anyway, good luck! Do get help from your mom of course.

A formal dinner for a 15 year old? Wouldn't you just rather kick up your heals and party? Ok, so you'd rather get gussied up and glam for evening. I shall assume that boucany is the same as balcony? Have small tables with white table linens and fresh flowers. Each table will serve an appetizer such as bruschetta, chicken fingers, chips and dips. Have a friend dress up as bartender and serve "mock" margaritas and cosmos. Play your favorite music, but keep it a little low so that you can converse.
Wearing name tags will help everyone get to know each other and you might want to consider a party game by paring up guests until after dinner and then have them "interview" each other for a tell-all afterwards. Most teens like to be "seen" so you might also want to ask your friends what they'd like to do to pass the time ahead of time. Have fun!

Really with my friends the first hour of the party is taken up just hanging around and chatting (my Mum can never get over the fact that our friends can talk nonstop from 5pm till past 3am and then still more even though we see each other 5 days a week! :D). You'll have lots to talk about too if you're all dressed up - compliments, talking about where you got your dresses from and then also the usual too! There'll probably be a bit of time at the start where everyone is arriving so don't be too stressed. An hour flies and you don't need to plan too much. Perhaps presents can be opened at that time or you can show people around your house (if they haven't been there before). Offer around drinks and then relax :)

Happy Birthday and I hope your dinner is a sucess! :)

Before any adult dinner, the people just mingle, small talk and drinks are served. Why not choose one nonalcoholic cocktail receipe that is simple to make in a blender and have these served in long chilled glasses while you wait for the sunset, before moving to the balcony for dinner. Good music, good food and good friends,sounds like a fun birthday!!

get a pinata

Besides the usual small talk, have someone designated to take pictures. Makeup will be fresh, clothes wont be wrinkled, and the table wont have plates all over it. Perfect opportunity to take some awesome pictures.

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