Is their ANYTHING i can do to get a larger butt?!


Is their ANYTHING i can do to get a larger butt?

Their has to be something i can do... exercise? certain foods?

I love how you put this under food!!!!

Seriously? Lunges will build up those muscles. Make sure that you protect your knees and support your lower back.

Just start eating more junk food. Chocolate would be a good choice. But if I were you I would stick to the junk food.

I'll trade you.


Why would you want a big butt? If you eat a lot you butt will get big, along with the rest of you. Not a good idea!


Girl, yu can have some of mine! There probably is an implant, as this is the way of things.I know there are like fake butts like fake boobs that you can actually wear.I only know this because a friend actually has one! She is completely flat.I would tell you to eat but that is no guarantee the flesh is gonna go where you want it! Love what you got if you can.I am working on that and I know that even though I got butt, I don't have other things .Hey! Who has it all unless you get it from a plastic surgeon and I dont recommend that in your case.

Eat ice cream all day long :)...seriously, to gain weight, increase your carbohydrate intake...i.e. potatoes, bread, cereal, pasta...and eating junk food would make your butt bigger (especially if you don't exercise after eating)...beware because your stomach will get larger too (but, don't worry, this is only a SIDE EFFECT)... :)

eat lots of icecream. and lots of fatty foods

Eat and sit.

Do NOT over eat, seems genetics didnt want to place your main fat stores in your seat. LOL>
There are butt implants, "BUTT" they are expensive, and I honestly think they look-not only unnatural, "BUTT" deformed likewise.
Stand against a wall, or at a chair for support.
Keep your leg str8 and lift it back, then bring it back to the other standing, supporting leg. Do about 50 reps like that, then switch sides and do it again with the other leg.
This WILL work the muscles in your glutteous ( I didnt want to throw ano' pun ur way! :))
If you're "THAT" determined to work those butt muscles, do this 2x's a day, @ 50 reps each leg....5x's a week! (No less than 3x's per week)!

Take a starting measurement, and then WAIT atleast a couple weeks after u have done this routine RELIGIOUSLY then take another measurement at the end of the 2nd week. YOU will see the results.
Have fun, no pain no gain!~
I too am plagued with a non-J.LO rear :*(
Good flexin' to ya! and GOD BLESS!!!<><


Oh Lord~will you trade butts with me? I can't seem to get rid of mine ... dieting, exercise ... does nada.

Ok 1st of all...all of those people who told you to sit around and eat junk food, be lazy, etc. that definately will not work. If you want a bigger but (stronger not fat and loose) then you should try butt conditioning. I've found that its really hard to motivate myself to do things like this so, I usually have friends do it with me. Squats don't make your butt bigger but you might try looking online for conditioning routines. HOpe I helped. =)

ok look, im not kidding, eat about 2 bars of chocaolate everyday and lie down with your feet and head raised

try out foods test which gains more butt fat than others

well all i gotta say is if ur white there is no hope for you... unless you eat lots of pasta and date black guys....! if ur not, then all u need to do is hit the gym coupla days a week and get on a stair master like 30 mins a day or so and you will get a nice firm tooshie that will make guys drool.. my girlfriend uses the stair master everyday and thats wut gets me up in the mornins ;)

p.s.. not trying to be racist but thats just how it is!!!

stock up on bread, and eat away

Consult with Dr. 90210

If you don't want to be bothered w/ working out or getting a fatty behind, they sell jeans with extra padding in the back :0) Seriously. I don't know any companies off hand but do a search on Google.

You are in luck. I know the exercise you are looking for. And it will benefit you all at the same time. Sit ups. Yep thats right sit ups. They make your hips wider. Wider hips mean a bigger butt. Nothing as sexy as a fat bottomed girl with a flat stomach. If you take my advice when it works send a pic over my way hahahha. Hope it all works out for you............Peace out ...............

I have the perfect plan...

Come out here and we will go to the doctor together and you can have some of mine!! I dont mind :)

Build up the glute muscles by doing a stair master or just walking up and down stairs, alot- daily. You want size, not fat right?

you should eat collard greens cornbreads and bacon and lots of ice cream and lots of friedchicken and make this your daily 3 times a day maybe 2 times a day meal schedual and then after two or three weeks you would even be able to win a big butt contest lol but i am actually serious cuz i did it but after you eat all of this wait two hours and excersize so that you don't keep the upper weight on your body

Eat lots of sweet and boiled potato.

Ballet will make your butt muscles stronger and rounder. Cheeseburgers will make it fatter.

Remember those old exercise videos buns of steel? Well, if you can find a copy, that routine will make your butt bigger because it specifically targets your gluts. And it will be a toned, bigger butt, not a cellulite filled, saggy butt. And as far as sitting around and eating crap- that will make you bigger other places as well.

Sweetheart, you can have mine! Heck, I'll even pay the freight charges. Good luck with your endeavor.

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