Why do the germans serve beer at room temp?!


Why do the germans serve beer at room temp?

Beer was invented back many years before Christ. As you probably know, refrigeration was not common to our society until the 1920,s with the ice boxes. But at that time people would not waste the small space they had for such an item. Refrigeration as we know of it today, did not come in to effect until the 1940's. People in Germany and other beer producing countries , such as Ireland and the U.K., have been raised drinking warm beer and a lot of them are formulated to be conmumed this way .

History Channel, Wikepedia, and traveling to many different countries.

Most europeans drink all their drinks w/o ice.

I never heard of that before. I will wait for some answers to learn.

They have no tate buds. That is a fact

didn't know that .

they don't appreciate a cold one


Actually, our tongues are better able to taste all of the flavors in any given drink when it is at room temperature. The cold numbs some of our ability to taste.

I would asume that in Europe refigeration was not real common until the fifties (i'm guessing on the date) and a lot of the europeans I have met don't like their drinks really cold.

It is cultural. In japan they serve red wine cold. Go figure.

When I was in Germany, the Germans never served any cold beer. I don't know the reason, but it was very good as their beers are different from ours. Most of Europe doesn't ice drinks the way we Americans do.

In European countries this is done because chilling the beer ruins the natural flavor, just as an over cooked steak has lost the same thing.

Because Germans tend to really appreciate the taste of beer and if you serve it very cold you loose a lot of that taste. Americans drink their beer cold because it is ( in general) utterly undrinkable any other way. Sorry.

Cuz their wierd. But actually, most of their ales are designed to be drunk at room temp to savor all the flavor.

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