Oysters and white wine...or something bubbly !!!?!


Oysters and white wine...or something bubbly !!!?

what do you prefer,,a dozen freshly schuked,and a glass of what to go with it.....its saturday night allright

Champagne can be the perfect marriage, but it is not always necessary to serve expensive white wine with oysters. For me, a tall glass of Spanish dry sherry is perfect with all shellfish, especially oysters. Personally, I find a bottle of Muscadet is a good choice. I also suggest a Riesling from Alsace which is bone dry and a suitable complement for oysters. You may also want a Chardonnay, whether Californian, French or Australian, but in particular one with the rich wood flavor of Napa or Australian wines. Remember that you are trying to marry the distinctive seaweedy, salty and mineral tastes with which the wine will have to compete.

Sam Adams
make sure to have hot sauce for the oysters

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