I'm turning 40 this year. Should I do something special for my birthday?!


I'm turning 40 this year. Should I do something special for my birthday?

Yes, throw a party with your closest friends (whether 1 or 100) and really celebrate the event. Drink lots of booze and eat lots of junk way into the night, and I promise you will remember it for the next 40 years.

Absolutely! Treat yourself to some wonderfully, relaxing spa services like a full-body massage!

Yes. 80 years old is the average age of death. So what that means is that this is the middle of your life. So yea have fun and do something special. Oh and Happy Birthday.


I hope you have friends that will do something special for you!!!
It's not quite the same for you to throw a party for your own birthday. If no one does, plan a nice get away trip, take your best friend or your spouse if you have one. Have a great day and enjoy your 40's.....they go by really fast....believe me!

yes because you are at the top of the hill

Invite your friends over for a 04th birthday party. Don't forget the cake 'n' candles (4) and games, including pin the tail on Eeyore.

Get a face lift, have your boobs done, and buy a sports car.

Yes go to a bar or buy some beer and get drunk as hell because it will be one of the last times you will ever be able to get drunk (a lot) and if you don't drink then try it out. Also it will be fun.

Facelift, Boob Job, Lypo.

of course! its the big 4-0. u can do something casual with ur friends

definitely!you only turn forty once so you should remember it and really enjoy yourself

Yes go out to dinner or take a vacation....... Happy birthday!!!

Go out with a couple thousand dollars and buy yourself and IRA.

Give yourself the gift of having your money make you more money !! No better gift than that !

: )


If you have good friends they should arrange something for you as a surprise.

Failing that the Beer is good in Amsterdam!

naughty fortys party good idea

yes,you have to you have to invite your friends to be happy and try to travel and that make you more confident and happy and try to make it so big as much as you can and try to go to DISNEYLAND or THE UNIVERSAL STUDIOS and if you grandsons try to invite them and get big choclate cake that make old people have more energy and have fun and HAPPPY BIRTHDAY.

YES You should always do something special for your birthday.

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