Im having a bake sale, and i need to raise AT LEAST $300!! help!!?!


Im having a bake sale, and i need to raise AT LEAST $300!! help!!?

ok, i really need ur help. well having a bake sale, to raise money to give my teachers room an entire new make over. and i need to raise at least 300$ for paint, books, markers, and posters. he's an english, history, and drama teacher. so i have to ask u 3 questions. 1.) wut things(other than the ones i have said) do u think me and my classmates should get him? 2.) how much money do u think i need to raise? 3) wut should we sell to get to the amount we need? ok, now i need you to take this little survay. heres it is;

what would you rather spend a buck, or less, on???(at school) choose 4.
1. monster sport drinks.
2. pixie sticks
3. ice cream
4. cookies
5. candy
6. brownies
7. doughnuts
8. hot cheetos
9. soda
10. gatorade
11. goody bags

o and also, the bake sale is on valentimes day! so the goody bags are goin to have candy, and... um..... that leadds me to my other question, wut should we put in our goody bags????

Additional Details

5 months ago
o, and the pixi sticks, they arent the small ones, their the really, really, really, big ones. thx every1 for submitting!!! this helps alot! continue giving answers! lol.

5 months ago
o, and the pixi sticks, they arent the small ones, their the really, really, really, big ones. thx every1 for submitting!!! this helps alot! continue giving answers! lol.

I think you need to make sure you label anything that has peanuts due to allergies. I think it's a great idea and $300.00 is a good goal.

none, junk food is not my cup of tea. but if i had to choose, i would pick ice cream, cookies(what kind?), brownies and soda(what kind?).

3, 4, 5, 6
Hershey's Kisses

I would prefer the sport drink or the goody bag for a dollar. But the brownies and cookies are portable and yummy.

For your goody bag, if you have room, a pencil and eraser are always good, because once the candy is gone, you still have the pencil for awhile. Stickers and gum are good, too.

If you have a P&S school supply in your area, you could go talk to them, and make a list, with prices, of what you need. That way you could get a good estimate of how much you need to raise. Don't forget to pad it a little to cover taxes and unexpected items. I think this is such a nice thing you are doing.

well, first off, i must advise you to ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE. as a young buiness man myself, i have also struggled with pricing, inventory, and other things. its a lot of work to sell things, especially food. well, i would mark cookies, pixi sticks, doughnuts, and brownies as being a dollar or less. well, with pixi sticks, i would mark them as 10 cents each, and the coandy would be determined my size and overall cost. goody bags are tricky. if its a valentines day theme, then i would have things like hershey kisses, small toys/earsers/pencils that you can pick up at the 99cent store, and other small candies.

good luck and i hope your teacher knows how much you are putting into this
-sincerley, DEZigns

Some easy ideas
Go to candy supply store or a discount store and buy heart forms, melt dark chocolate, insert stick, wrap in small clear bag and tie with red ribbon, sell for $1. If you can find the right forms, you could even write cutsy stuff or names on with white chocolate, melted in a ziplock baggie, with the corner cut ever so small. Just make sure you let the chocolate set each time. A big seller at our last bake sale was good ol' Rice Krispie Treats, selling a bag full or individually wrapped ones, big ones could go for .50 each. Easily made into heart form and put little cinnamon candies to form words, like Be Mine, etc.
Also, take nice apples, insert stick, dip in warm caramel, let set, dip in dark chocolate, let set, take white chocolate in baggie as above and drizzle. You can even dip them in M & M's. We sold ours for $7. I think if you go to, Emeril has a recipe for gourmet apples. But, there are so many helps out there with caramel wraps, etc. Brownies are always good. "Homemade" pies with refrigerated pie crusts, canned fillings go well. You can even sell them by the piece if you are selling in a school setting. Bags of popcorn, trail mix go well. Mason jars filled with hot chocolate mix, spiced tea mix, etc. We also made gift baskets. Found used baskets at local Goodwill, filled with goodies, wrapped with clear cellophane or clear gift basket bags, then tied with Valentine ribbon or red ribbon. Hope this helped! Good Luck!

gatorade is expensive if you buy the stuff in a bottle, so get the kind you mix.

cookies, cupcakes and brownies should sell really fast. goody bags should be mixed chocolates, and maybe other smaller but cheaper fillers.

English teachers need books, so get some good ones. Ask your teacher what he needs/wants.

doughnuts can be really hard to resist, so those would be good to sell for $1. Also, you could buy your cookies and candy from Cosco and sell them for @2 or like $1.50. For goodie bags see if anyone can donate holiday ribbon or string that come in solid colors (red and white) and wrap them around the goody bags for decoration. Get someone to donate the string, not buy it you must cut your costs. What time of day will you be doing your sale? Pizza sells well too and you can charge more. good luck!

You will make a lot more money baking goodies to sell, like brownies, cookies, muffins, pies, cupcakes, & candy because they are all pretty cheap to make. You can sell those for a lot more than you paid for the ingredients because you put your own time & work into them.

Anything commercially made is a bad idea because you'll probably have to pay retail for them to begin with, so you're already trying to sell those things for more than people are used to paying for them and you'd have to mark them up a ton just to make any money. Stick with the homemade stuff and avoid prepackaged things like chips, pixie sticks or sport drinks. Ice cream also won't work well unless you are planning to bring a large commercial freezer to your bake sale.

Also, instead of guessing on what kind of stuff he might need, maybe you should give him the money in the form of a gift card to a craft store or someplace like Wal-Mart that will have a lot of different kinds of supplies so he can buy the things you guys really do need. He'll probably know better what items would go the farthest as far as usefulness.

maybe you can do an alternative fundraiser along with the bake sale. Sell valentines to be delivered (in class say 5th period) You sell them for $1.00 or $2.00 you make a heart that you can fold. The person will write their message inside and staple or tape it shut. You can deliver with 5 hershey kisses or a carnation (which might drive the cost up). Then you separate them and with help thru the office find out where people are at that perspective time. Deliver and you've made your money!

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