

I previously listed a question about ideas 4 my mum's bday dinner party (only about 25 ppl). my mums birthday is Feb 14th so we always do a valentines day theme but this time we want to do something different for her. below is a theme someone suggested to me. any ideas of what i can add to it? my budget is $30 and im lookign for ideas in terms of decorations, centre pieces and something i can give each guest 2 wear on the night & keep as a memory. i need sumthing 4 the men&women.thanks! (ps.low key!)

If so far you did romantic dinner for her birthday, no matter the Valentine's day this year is out of the question. Why don't you do a luxury style dinner party for her. With gold and shimmers and crystals. Add lilies for flower deco, golden napkin rings( you can always use fine ribbons or paper crowns). Add white candles with gold ribbons as well. For the gift you can get faux crystal charms for their keys or as jewelery.King and Queen stuff.Make her feel like a Queen!

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4 months ago
p.s. yes i am going with the above theme. im just after any decorating ideas which will go with the above theme or ideas of what i can give the guests as gifts. thanks everyone!

4 months ago
p.s. yes i am going with the above theme. im just after any decorating ideas which will go with the above theme or ideas of what i can give the guests as gifts. thanks everyone!
this site has a lot of good little gifts to give as party favors. If luxury is sort of your theme, you could give engraved (common) gems/pretty polished stones as a party favor. Or
Napkin rings with names on them, engraved or otherwise.
Nice place cards, like they have at weddings. These are cute and you can find some that will work, I'm sure.

Another idea for a theme. One I love:Everyone wears a very formal black and white, and the birthday girl is wearing a beautiful RED dress. I wanted this for my wedding, but my hubby didn't like it...But the idea is still good.It's easy to decorate for this, too. If you want to 'touch up' the decorations, just do silver and black instead.

Good luck, in any case, and I hope you have fun. Remember, that is the most important part.

I have to say that the theme above is pretty cool, go with that!

go for a sleep-over pyjama party with all the midnight snacks handy and some sazzy video

try doing like a black and white theme,...itll be suer gorgeous and if you make it formal and everyone will be in blackk and white and itll be soooo pretty
decorations are easy too cuz its just black and add spunk you can have your mom where red because shell stand out and be the center of EVERYThing

Check your local music schools [even secondary/high schools will work] and hire a 3 piece jazz combo. they will often work for free plus tips. I did this for a small-budgeted fundraiser and this wias the one thing that made it memorable.
For decor/place cards/favors, go to Burger king and get a load of their crowns. Then have a decorating party for your [or her] friends or even her grandkids/neices/nephews or your siblings. You can turn them inside out if you wish,to cover the BK logo or put a nice sticker with the guests' names in calligraphy [hand-done or by computer]. There should be PILES of glitter and red and gold and silver decor available on clearance left over from Christmas for you to use. You might want to use gold or silver foil for table covers; also on clearance right now.
Candles will make it elegant as well. One of the fancier wedding receptions I attended had spray painted coffee cans white, filled with white builders/playground sand and then arranged wholesale roses and longstemmed candles with the stems/candle bottoms lodged in the sand.
Have a lovely time. Know that no matter how meager or what goes wrong, your mama will be thrilled with the results.

go for a sleep-over pyjama party with all the midnight snacks handy and some sassy video

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