What Should I Do For My Sweet Sixteen Party?!

Question: What Should I Do For My Sweet Sixteen Party!?
okaysss so my sweet sixteen isnt until july but since its my 16th i want it to be awesome! I was thinking about just going camping with all my friends, drinking, etc!.
But I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions!? there will be around 20-30 people coming!.

I was originaly thinking about having a themed party for during the day and hiring out a hall but damn those things leave a hole in your pocket!!!

Any ideas, suggestions, tips and advice will be great! Thanks!Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you are going camping find out if the campground has a group shelter/meeting area and ask how much extra it would be to rent it for the day, then ask a friend to be the dj or make some mixed cds to play and ask your girlfriends to help you bake and decorate cupcakes, if five friends each make twenty four cupcake (one box of cake mix) you'll have 140 cupcakes and then just grab some chips and snack and whatever to drink!. The shelter shouldn't cost more then 100, which compared to the 500-600 for a hall is pretty cheap! Happy sweet 16!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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