Kids birthday party food/snacks...What to serve?!


Kids birthday party food/snacks...What to serve?

My daughter 4th birthday party is this weekend. Disney Princess theme. Theres wide age of kids going to the party. What are soem easy, good, fast things that we could serve?

I am a little on the health freak side, so I try to please myself and the little kids, by doing fruit that is put on kibob's or made into faces and such, pretzles, fresh veggies and dip, apples with whipped cream to dip them in. Search under kids receipes and narrow it down by birthday treats and you will get tons of websites with lots of great ideas, and easy ways to make them look great for the kids. I am not crafty at all and I could do most of them. Good luck.

Goldfish can buy them in huge quantities...

Animal Crackers


Cupcakes with a disney theme...

Make little sandwiches with the crusts cut off and cut into fours. Ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly, anything really.

Veggies on a tray with ranch dipping sauce.

My son loved those little hot dogs, but not sure if you want to serve that at a girls' princess party. =)

For a sweety, those little puffs in the freezer section- they have a little bit of cream inside.

Grapes, strawberries, apple wedges and oranges are great too. Especially if you put them on thsoe cute lil toothpicks with the fringe on them. Like a tiny kabob. =)

Make a party punch using sprite and the frozen sherbet type punch mix.

Have fun!!!!!!

well most kids are to excited to eat that much at partys,i suggest buying a huge pizza and having a veggy tray and fruit tray and chips and dip instead of pizza have hot dogs .but i know the kids would love to make thier own sundays. good luck mom of 4 kids joy

Fruit is good, depending on the kids vegtables(though kids likeing vegtables is rare), chex-mix(or something like that), crackers, cheese.
Hope the part goes well!

Some things I can think about are: Small pizza squares, pretzels, pigs in a blanket, veggie sticks, mini cookies(decorated w/princess stuff), maybe a fruit salad, chicken strips.....just to name a few. Seems like for those parties, finger foods and less messy stuff is a hit. As long as the activities are flowing, it should be great. Good luck!

The perfect idea is to serve weed balls and liquor . the Gift bag should include bongs for the young bloods to get high

fairy cakes, iced gems, marsh mallows, cheese straws, rock buns,

Little Banana splits (1/3 banana + ice cream + whipped cream and chocolate syrup).

first - just buy a nice small cake from a local bakery or grocery store (they will put your daughter's name on it there if you ask) to use for the candles. then, serve everyone else iced cupcakes with those little candies or sprinkles on top. you can even get disney theme candy toppers at a local cooking supply store. If you don't have muffin tins, just buy those metal muffin cups & place them on cookie sheets - they will stand up on their own so you don't need tins and you can bake as many as will fit on a large cookie sheet at once instead of just 12 at a time.

kids love snack mixes - you can get huge bags at sam's club or costco warehouses. go with juice boxes (juicy juice are best, since they are 100% juice) and bottled waters or caffeine free sodas - this is for your benefit as well, as there will be more than enough sugar going on so no need to add caffeine to their energy. you can make peanut butter or turkey sandwiches the night before, put a big tray of them together & wrap the whole thing with plastic wrap & put in fridge until time to serve. if you want to be creative, and have extra time, use a large mickey mouse cookie cutter or cut the sandwiches into triangles or diamonds. those pre-peeled baby carrots are a great snack, with at least some nutritional value, and again if you have time celery sticks with cream cheese or peanut butter are good too. most kids like ranch dressing, so a veggie tray with ranch dip ususally goes over well. you can also buy frozen mini pizzas and "pigs in a blanket" type snacks from sam's, costco, or even your local grocery store, so that's an option as well. and lastly, why not a big bowl of fruits - apples, those little easy peel clementine oranges, pears, grapes - the older kids can help the litte kids peel their oranges and you can play "pass the orange" or bob for apples...


Prep Time: 5 min
Total Time: 5 min
Makes: 14 servings, 2 Tbsp. each

1 pkg. (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
1 jar (7 oz.) JET-PUFFED Marshmallow Creme

MIX ingredients until well blended; cover.
REFRIGERATE until ready to serve.
SERVE with assorted NABISCO Cookies or cut-up fresh fruit.

go with hamburgers and hot dogs . serve each with or without cheese and don't put the toppings on them until each child says what they like on it.
chips pop cake all good . to cover all the bases just have some different nibbles in case one child cant have dairy products or doesn't eat this or that.

Princess foods! Jasmine's jelly sandwiches; Cinderella's cheese chunks; Ariel's watermelon, Belle's bugles, Sleeping Beauty's chocolate dipped strawberries & Snow White's apple slices (these were only prepared at the last minute (only cut up two to start) serve Pink Lemonade.

Make cupcakes decorated with sprinkles and topped with a princess ring as a party favor!

anything sweet... don't buy a lot of real food, because... kids don't eat... well since your daughter is turning 4.. at that age, u can make them eat.... but I wouldn't buy a lot of food that isn't junk...


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