Plz help me. suggest any topic to me.?!


Plz help me. suggest any topic to me.?

any topic such as current event, food, health and so on. i need to present it this monday. topic should be either benefit or disadvantages, solution or anything.plz help me..

Okay. Amber alerts.

Global Warming:What the earth will look like ten years from now?

Yahoo answers!

Do it on the stupidity of national animal registration.

current event? pre-war stages for Iran..

Rivalry of mentalities

you can ask about history


Serial killers.


Saving the whales.

Scuba Diving.



Free range eggs.

Petrol / oil prices.

I love the idea about Yahoo Answers. Pro's being how many points of view you can get on serious and the not so serious subjects.You get answers to questions you might not be comfortable asking the people around you. Con's being that anybody can have a log on and say some of the most ignorant and offensive things (ask and answer). Go for this topic!! sounds like it would be easy!

Yahoo answers

Food irradiation
e.coli outbreaks
hormones in milk
preservatives in food
fluoride added to municipal water supplies

darfur crisis,

Say yes to global warming topics. You'll have lots to talk about.

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