What alcohol is best to have at a party?!


What alcohol is best to have at a party?

I'm having a party tomorrow night, and I was asked if i would be serving alcohol, I said sure, why not. (all of the guests are 21+)
I'm just not sure what to buy. I was thinking just bear, but a lot of my female friends aren't too fond of it. I also think that it would be kind of tacky to ask this late.
Any Advice?

OK the staples are

Wine red californian and white californian and some bottles of white fizzy wine

A few mixers should be lemonade, coke and orange juice.

That is a good supply and if anyone wants anything specific tell them to bring their own drink, which any self respecting guest would do anyway!

vodka + cranberry juice
jack + coke

lol....all alcohol is good!!!

Some homewares stores (i.e. Linens n Things or Bed Bath & Beyond) carry party buckets where you just buy the bucket and a bottle of liquor and it makes different drinks like margaritas, cosmos, etc. They take a while to freeze though, so probably buy them and freeze them right away.

Everclear is the only way to go.

Punch is good
Try a cheap champagne with sherbert ice cream

what about some wine or some champgne(i don't no how to spell the second choice)

I would skip the hard alcohol and stick to wine and beer. The liability you assume when you serve hard alcohol is probably greater than you would want to take on and, it's just too hard to tell when to say when to your guests when serving mixed drinks.

get some vodka or very strong acholic drinks and put it in those small, fancy cups and grab some olives and put toothpicks in the center of them and put it in the glass for a very classic martini thing.

Beer plus some clear liquor like vodka or rum, with some soda/pop and juice mixers. Don't forget the ice cubes, and plenty of snacks to fill people up. Have plenty of mixer so people can make weak drinks or just soda if they want.

Trip everyone out and get a bunch decent wines. When everyone shows up tell them it's a wine tasting party. Get some nice cigars too for afterword. That would be pimp.

Rum & Coke
Gin or Vodka Tonics
Just don't buy anything pre-mixed or in a box. YUCK!

Cran vodka is good and yager mister is great ladies love it with coke.

according to science the thing that pleases your female friends wouldn't be alchol. take it from an experts point of you. They are more into your anatomy lol. thats unless it is insufficient. if its insufficient then you should serve them cherry coke

Beer for the boys, punch for the gals.

best punch, just mix a big thing of juice with a bottle of vodka, any leftover spirits you have sitting around, and some fruity champagne. Quick, easy cheap, goes a long way!

Pinot Grigio (White wine)
Merlot ( Red Wine )
mixes ( soda, Tonic, Various Juices )


most parties with alcohol it is best to say bring your own do to everyone taste! i don't drink beer but most men do so stock up on beer for sure! however some people like bud over miller so good luck with that!
then stock up on your hard stuff.. some voka, jack, captins, parrot bay..
Then stuff to go with it! Fruit juices and pops..

Wine, hypnotic, coolers, and margaritas

champagne ,very classy

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