Birthday Party i need help?!


Birthday Party i need help?

I am in the sixth grade and should i have a boy girl party or girl only party what should my theme be where should i go


hey, i'm only a year yonger than you! Well, I had a movie themed party last year...Although, it did get a little messed up...NVM that!! Weelllll, I hav to agree w/ the boy-girl thing. I'd love to do that!!!!! (I'm gettin off track!) Hav a boy girl party! Go to a nice place for party-ing, like a Horision Fun-fix, or even a reservating place,or go to a theme park, (Depends where you live)but don't go to the movies, unless, you wanna take a risk with the kiss-factor! A great idea is having a 70's retro boy girl dance party! Hav a nice dancing place and get your groove on! Hope I help!

its more comfy with gril summer of couse it great to go to the park...but winter u gotto think im not sure since i dont kno were u live

def have a girl boy party

maybe hawaiian for a theme

or if u go somewhere u could like go to a restaurant like glory days or fudruckers- there are video games/Tvs and music, that will keep both the boys and girls entertianed

boy/girl, no theme - that's for younger kids, have it a party place that has a variety of entertainment, like video games, putt putt, go carts, etc.

Just have an all girl thing. Ask your mom to take you and all your friends out for makeovers or to get your nails done then top it off with a sleepover.

Well you should have a boy girl party and have a great DJ and good food. You could also need a big place so your inviters have room to dance and party!

Theres a couple different options. For boy/girl, theres always a Luau (hawaii theme) you can have it at the park, or a pool, or your back yard. You can serve fruity non-alcoholic drinks with umbrella straws, have lei's for your necks, wear flowers in girls hair etc.. Or you could do a fiesta theme with mexican food, sombrero's, maybe a pinata.

For a girl only party a sleepover is always fun. Rent scary movies, buy candy and popcorn and bring sleeping bags. Or do a small girls day where your mom can take a few close friends to get pedicures and a nice lunch then stay at your house and have everyone bring their makeup and curling irons. You can get a few disposible camera's and take fun pics.

Have fun!! Good luck

oh oh! It's really fun to have boy girl parties! More people will come if they hear that THEIR crush is coming to your AWESOME party!!! I think you should go to the movies but if its way too many people for that try going to the park for a bbq or somethin'!

6th grade birthday party... i had a slumber party and it was awesome. it was like 30 girls...
my mom went to different stores and made little spa kits with creams, lip balms, nail stuff, accessories... it was fun.
We ordered pizza, talked about boys, and for dessert instead of cake we had this whole table with brownies cookies, ice cream, cones and tons of toppings.

go bowling!

TOGA TOGA TOGA! Boys and Girls, why not?

Don't show off too much skin though, them little boys couldn't handle it

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