I'm bored and its 9:45pm any ideas?!


I'm bored and its 9:45pm any ideas?

Go to bed!


Watch tv or read a book or call a good friend

sleep and if that doesn't work, go play isketch.

answer questions.

You and me both. I should be doing homework, but why? Where are you from? Here all there is to do is go to the movies or bars and I'm broke sol for me.

Read a book

go cook something

I'm watching Jeopardy!, doing crosswords, reading trivia, did a load of dishes and having a birthday beer since dinner is over.

Since this is the food section, I'm going to assume you want something to eat.
I would recommend nuking a cup of milk for 3 minutes, adding chocolate syrup AND half a candy bar. Stir, add a little vanilla and cinnamon, and drink slowly with a good magazine. When you get to the bottom, there will be a nice blob of melted chocolate. Spoon it in, go to bed and sleep well!

Have a healthy snack

go for a swim

i hope by the time this answer goes through that you are already snoozing. but for such occassions, have a dvd movie ready, the long classic ones that will really bore or else be interesting. the boring ones might short it out with your boredom, while the good ones may be worth your while. soft reminiscent music may help as well as audio book tapes with good monotones

watch tv. go on a good website. go roun for your friends. read. watch a dvd/video. play a game. sleep.

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