Good toasts?!


Good toasts?

Anyone know any good toasts? preferable before taking a shot?

Here's to the wine we love to drink
And the food we love to eat.
Here's to our wives and sweethearts,
And may they never meet.
Here's champagne for our real friends
And real pain for our sham friends.
And when this journey finally ends, may all of us find peace.

Here's to all the women I've loved
And all the ones I've kissed.
As for regrets, I just have one:
That's all the ones I've missed.
While women's faults are many,
We men have only two:
Every single thing we say and everything we do.

But I wish you health, I wish you wealth
And happiness galore.
I wish you heaven when you die,
What could I wish you more?
May your joys be as deep as the ocean,
Your troubles as light as its foam,
And may you find sweet peace of mind,
Wherever you may roam.

"May the wolves stay in the hills and the women in our beds!"

"To Crime!"

When we drink, we get drunk.
When we get drunk, we fall asleep.
When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.
When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
So let's all get drunk and go to heaven!

A traditional Aussie one: 'Up ya bum!'

Up your butt with a coconut, down your throat with a billy goat, DRINK more beer! HERE!HERE!HERE!

Up your skills!

Make it personal.My brother gave the best toast at our wedding."To seeing those two lauughing in the front of they're little white truck,stuck in Hollywood traffic as I passed by on the bus,true love",Thanks Paul.

When you drink, you get drunk.
When you get drunk, you don't know what you do
When you don't know what you do, you commit sin.
When you commit sin, you go to hell
So drink and go to hell Mr. Drunk!

Here's to you and here's to me,
And if ever we should disagree...
Then to Hell with you and here's to me!


Here's to Hitler the son-of-a-*****.
May his balls rot off with the 7-year itch.

yo ho ho pass the rum

This one is for the ladies:
Here's to the men we love, here's to the men who don't love us, so F#%K the men and here to us!

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