Can anyone top this for embarrassment?!


Can anyone top this for embarrassment?

My front door just knocked so I looked out my window to see my nextdoor neighbour standing there she said"oh hi were having a BBQ in about half an hour"isaid"great I'm starving,I'll bring a bottle round"she then said"no,I was just letting you know as you have washing on your line,I'd get it in if I was you!"how embarrassing!! (I've only just moved in as well!)anybody top that?

oh my gosh, that's cute!

oh that's not good.....
I once told a girl I hated a picture that was on display and she said thanks for being honest, it was her picture......
I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself....

LMAO -- why should she care if your wash is hanging on the line? I would go out and hang more of it :-)

Not sure this tops it or not, but once a man knocked on my door. He was wearing shorts & a shirt (summer time) and started talking to me. I had to finally interrupt him and ask, "Who are you?"

He was my next door neighbor and I said, "Oh, this is the first time I've ever seen you with your clothes on."

Okay, he's a UPS driver and I only ever see him in his uniform. But boy did THAT statement come out wrong!

oh, that is messed up.. make the best of it, move the clothing and tell her you are stepping out to the beach,

Wait til they've got it going, then call the fire brigade.

Boy, that really was bad! Well, I once thought that Vienna was in Italy, when it's actually in Hungry.

Oh, wait, it's in Austria. My mistake

what a waste of my time and what a waste of your points, thanks for my two though


wait and watch

Sorry you are not invited to my BBQ either , not your day is it ! :-))

Check and see if you live in a smoke free zone ...

... If you do well ... could always make a phone call ;-) ...


Why be embarrased? She was rude for not inviting you.

haha! I was on holiday on the coach journey to the hotel from the airport, we had a few stops to other hotels before we reached ours, we stopped at one that looked awful and i said to my boyfriend at the time without thinking "thank god we aren't going there it looks awful!" only to be given really dirty looks by about 15 people that were getting off the coach at this hotel!

My best mate once was waiting in a long queue in a chip shop when a man came in and went straight to the front of the queue and began to order some food. My mate shouted out 'Oy, mate! Are you f*****g blind, or what??!!??'

When the man turned in his direction, he could see that in fact he had a white stick and very, very dark glasses...

Everyone in the queue also turned and glared at my friend. He said he just wanted to die...

Glad I wasn't there!

I don't know, but in school one time, i was wearing this skirt that got caught on a desk and it didn't rip off but it pulled down and the kids saw my underpants, i felt like dying.

well...what horrible people your neighbours are!...wouldn't have taken much for that hard faced cow to invite you would it?...wassamatter with people these days....mutter....


Well, the best thing to do is laugh at it. Just pretend you were joking.

Of course, move your laundry! But shame on her for not being more hospitable than that. I would have welcomed you!

But if it makes you feel any better, I have my own share of embarrassing moments! Too many to list here, but here is one:

When friends came over for dinner, I reintroduced them to my little girl as she might not have remembered them. I said, "You do remember the ---s?" She looked puzzled and then her face brightened up as she replied, "Oh, yes! You're the people my mommy said stayed too late last time!"

ugh. But she was only being honest.

Another time, I mistyped a boss's memo that got sent out. Instead of 'public relations director' I typed in 'PUBIC relations director'. Thankfully, she had a GREAT sense of humor.

Here is my husband's embarrassing moment that he never forgave me for:

We were at a laundry mat and I told him to check our clean laundry to see if they smelled nice because I couldn't remember if I put in the fabric softener. He reached in a stuck his face in a handful of laundry and inhaled deeply.

A young woman standing nearby looked horrified. He had opened up someone else's washer. The thing was he was sniffing her lacy underwear!!! hahaha!!!

He bought me a new washer and dryer the next day so we never had to go back to that place.

Laugh. Demetia is a good out for anything.


really that is not too bad

when i was 16 years old, i was a maid for a large motel chain,
when we entered a room, we would have to knock on the door, if no one would answer, we then opened the door with the master key, and holler MAID

that day i knocked, no answer, so i opened the door, hollered MAID, their was an old man laying on the bed butt naked. i quickly closed the door, my sister also a maid saw what happened and asked me why i was so red in the face and i told her. since she was a maid for years and an adult, it did not bother her and said don't worry, it will happen again if you stay as a maid

aahh babe im sure it was more embarrasing for her, think about it from her point of view she'll feel really mean now for not inviting you when you were so enthusiastic.
When i slept over at my boyfriends we were in the middle of 'doing it' (me on top with no bra on)and his dad walked in!! he just said oh sorry and went out I then had to go downstairs and face him again to leave. I wanted to die!!

for Abigail L: Vienna is NOT in Italy, NOT in Hungary, it's in AUSTRIA... well that's an embarassement, sorry.
And to answer your question: it was not nice of her not to invite you... but don't worry worse things can happen in this life.

Your neighbor was rude. You shouldn't be embarassed. I got a great laugh out of all the answers. thanks

no, but if you have a garden water the plants with a hose and let it spray over the wall on them

I was waiting for my bank to open as I was withdrawing a large amount of cash for home furnishings when in frustration pulled on the door handle only for it to break off in my hand. As I knew the head cashier, I handed him the remains of the handle but was told rather sternly that Security would like a word.. after waiting 20 mins and seeing several customers come & go, I was asked by Security what happened. Pity me then for as I left rather shamefaced, opened the door from the inside, and promptly pulled the whole doorknob etc out of the door, I turned and handed the same to the same cashier, who informed me, yes you guessed - Security wanted a word........

Ahhhhhh but just for fun id call the cops and tell them the neighbours were smoking something else apart from burgers and hope they dont tell it was me who reported it

ooh, nasty! just to spite her, you should go outside and start trimming the hedge naked!

Wow, my friend,
You need another drink.
bottle up,
Chef Don

my brother when he was younger about 19 went out and got very very drunk came back home went straight to bed. about 2 in the morning he got up to go to the loo that went though the wrong door and went for a p*iss on my step father side of the bed while he was in there asleep

That is brilliant Answers are funny too.
My sister in law used to get undressed for years in her room with the lights on with only net curtains up. Everybody could see all the time. She didny realise for a long time and then realised why the neighbours were always smiling at her

should crash the party anyways.

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