How do you entertain your boyfriend? besides sleeping with him?!


How do you entertain your boyfriend? besides sleeping with him?

I take him to things that he hasn't experienced art fairs, botanical gardens, and street fairs. We experiment with new restaurants and when he likes something, I figure out how to make it for him at home the next week.

He likes to rent movies, so we do that a few times a week...or sometimes we go to the theater and I curl up in his arms as we watch. (I have a tendency to get very cold in air conditioning, so this isn't all romance, but it does help).

On Wednesday, we go to services at his church and on Sunday he goes to mass with me.

Neither of us is much of a drinker, but I did get him to put soy milk in his coffee. Slowly, we're finding common ground. The fun is in trying new things together and finding out how much fun we've missed by not knowing each other.

watching a movie , cooking together, dancing..

depends on what he likes. if you're not down for sleeping with him, try a ********:) guys seem to like those. other than that...what do you have in common? you could cook for him, recite poetry, give him massages...actually, maybe you should ask yourself how HE should be entertaining YOU! if you are a good match, neither of you should have to try very hard.

Can you say Monopoly?

If you have to ask then you two must not compatible in that area, and thats not good, get out and do other things like. going to the gym, Library, or to the museum. Try doing something that involves your minds and not your bodys in a sexual way. there is more to a relationship than sex. Sex is going to wear out, what lasts is the friendship.

cook dinner

movies, cooking, watching TV, dancing, go to a museum, theater (play), street fair, try a new restaurant/cuisine, go-kart racing, fishing, hiking, swimming, camping,

ASK Him to baby- sit with you .
Bake him cookies
Do yardwork together

strip for him

The BEST is a back massage.

Also, a nice meal and then a scary movie where you can cuddle.

Other than that, sleeping with him is always the best bet.

listening to music, playing cards, dominoes, scattergories..

since im a guy... with alittle femine in me... ( IM NOT GAY!!) why dont you try cooking sumthing together? lyk... u make sumthing out of scratch... if it sucks.. it really doesnt matter... you did it together,right? :D dats wut me n my girl do... :D

Take turns planning a date! Most guys like sporting events so attend one at your old highschool(cheaper!) Watching peewee sports can be hilarious but be careful not to trash talk a preschooler--a parent might deck you! Try new things together. Is there a place in your city that neither of you have been before? Go together. Go on a picnic. I would avoid massages and things just because they're so sexually intimate!

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