Does anyone have any ideas for a 50th birthday party, also gift ideas.?!


Does anyone have any ideas for a 50th birthday party, also gift ideas.?

you could do a 50s themed party. have everyone dress w/ poodle skirts etc. invites could say a blast from the past.

Ooh. I'm planning a 50th birthday party for my mom this year in October. I think the best thing to do is to pick a theme for the party and everything else will fall into place. When you have a theme, it's easier to pick the decorations, music, and everything else. For example, since my mom was born in Cuba, I'm having a "Havana Nights" theme. I will have Cuban music, food, drinks, decorations, etc... I think whatever theme you pick is largely dependant on who the party is for and what they like. Don't just pick some random theme or base it on your taste, but rather something that they will really like & enjoy.

A few other considerations I thought of were a 1950's theme party (since she was born in 1956) or a "This is Your Life" party complete with slide show and albums commemorating important events throughout her life. You can also search the internet for ideas through websites and blogs.

A nice gift would be to create a scrapbook of either their life or of the party. You can have disposable cameras at different tables so people could take pictures at the party and include them in the album. Or have people who are coming bring a few copies of their own pictures to include in the album. Don't forget to have everyone write a little note for memories.

When my friend turned 50, her husband planned a surprise birthday party in my back yard. It was catered and featured a mariachi band. Her kids and brother came which made it even more special. Her favorite gift came from my son. He went to Billboard. com and found the lists of the top songs from the year she was born all the way to the current year. He then downloaded the music and made her Cd's with the top 5 songs for 50 years. We still use those Cd's at every gathering we share.

I held a half of a century party for my father. Many people thought of 50s theme party, but my folks were still toddlers at that time. I held a 70s themed party instead (when they were in college).

I bought my father one of those leather massaging chairs from Brookstone.

I have several recomendations for a party. If you plan on inviting 50 or more people assign each person a year in his life. Have them get a funny gift to represent their year. It will be an interesting theme to say the least and you could turn the gift opening into a "game" by having each person stand up and explain their gift.

If you are not having that many you could break it up by 5-10 years or how ever many you have coming. I would recomend having some back up gifts with that idea though in case of no-shows.

If your father is not big on gifts you could turn it into a "50 Memories" party. Buy a large notebook with rooms for pictures and captions. Gather 50 pictures of your father in random times of his life and attach one to each page. Then invite guests to add captiona and funny notes....Make sure to leave one page in the back blank so people can leave well wishes and all that.

The gift should depend on your father's likes and dislikes. If you father has a sense of humor do a whole bunch of gag gifts. If he is sentimental maybe hire a professional photographer or even just a friend who is really good at taking pictures to photgraph the party. You could present him with the pictures in an album as a gift.... If you do decide to have a friend take pictures...... MAKE SURE YOU SEE EXAMPLES FIRST!!!! Just because they claim they can take pictures doesn't make it true.

If that is not enough help feel free to email me @

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