What is ur favorite brand of candy?!


What is ur favorite brand of candy?

I like Twix.

To me, so long as it's chocolate, I love it!!

fun dip


i like candy... i grew up in a candy deprived household (and i have the great teeth to prove it), so i will eat anything sweet, except licorice, for some reason i hate that stuff, but mom loves it.

I love Twix,Gummy Bears,Snickers,I Love every Candy!! Lol Im sweet.

Crunch =D

I love flakes!!

Godiva... chocolate!


Candy Buttons!!!!!

Why oh why are they considered a "seasonal" candy? WTF is up with that???

Tough one...


I would have to say Aldi brand chocolate... big bars.... in the big, blue package

authentic Austrian chocolate. So creamy. So gooooooood.......

bye I'm gonna get some chocolate


Ruth Hunts

Ghirrardelli Caramel Milk Chocolate & Hershey's Cookies N Cream

I have alot I love candy but one of them are Hershey Cookies And Creme


I like Snickers and Butterfingers...

Peanut butter M&M's

baby ruth!

i like 3 muskeeters

Asher's...it's a local brand in the Philly area and it is fabulous. If you're ever in town, try it! Next is anything Ghiradelli, Goetz's caramel w/cream center (also local) and the original Goobers.

Snickers, Whatchamacallit, Twix, KitKat, Recess, Hershey Almond, and PayDays.
I love candy bars.
Oh and Peanut M&M's

Fanny Mae chocolates.

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