Who else likes burgers and pizzas, homies?!


Who else likes burgers and pizzas, homies?

I do. I even have my own burger called "The Zoidberg Burger". Don't ask were I got the Zoidberg from. It consists of two 8 oz. beef patties, 3 shrimps, 4 slices of American-Cheese, sausage links, ham, bacon, turkey, chicken, tomatoes, cilantro, paprika, onions, lettuce, wasabi, and BANG! Put a little salt!

It is truly the best burger out there. It takes em about an hour to prepare and I must say that it is worth it. I bet you're craving one of those right about now. Sorry, can't give away my secret recipe, folks.

As for pizza, well....don't get me started on that. I eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I can't live without pizza, brothers and sisters.

Well, will you look at the time. Get at me whenever you people can and we can continue discussing my passion for american cuisine

so you can actually eat 8 oz patties of meat on 1 burger? That is a full pound of meat and you are a girl.

I'm calling your bluff.

I do too.

I do. Futurama rules.

i do too, but not goats with my pizza. jeesh. a little obsessive...

I love pizza and hamburgers!

I do

im sorry but thats so ewwwwwwwwww

first of all... beef and shrimp and chicken do not go together.. and... wasabi.... im ASIAN and even i cant handle that stuf..

o well. bon appetite! merci boku. bonsoi madammoiselle.

that sounds really good yo need to cook that up and sell the recipe then u'd be rich

i like pizza, kinda run from burgers depends on who makes it. but i try to stay away from it.

"Eat what you dont like
Neglect what you do" .... to be healthy

i do too

What is a homie? Yes, I like burgers and pizza, but with high cholesterol, I can't eat as much of them as I would like.

That is quite the burger. Sounds delicious. Pizza is a part of my regular diet. lol

and they wonder why American is one of the fattest nations in the world....*hmmm*

I could eat pizza and burgers all day long.

Burgers and Pizzas? Aw man! I love 'em both. The best burgers are the ones you make at home. Season the ground beef and let it sit for a while. Pat 'em out kind out flat, fry them boys on a low-flame in the skillet. Grill some onions, pull out some wheat buns, dress 'em with mayo, lettuce, thin sliced of tomato and some cheese melted on that burger. Man, awesome!

yo yo yo sup peeps man you burger sounds delicious. food is the greatest but my love is mostly for the spiciest mexican foods out there. (no i dont feel gassy why would you think that) man something stinks in here gatta go.

I hear you, pizza and burgers are awesome!!

I think it's great that you're stuffing yourself with fat, carbs, and grease. It'll be really helpful later on when you get diabetes, high cholestrol, and high blood pressure.

As for me, I don't eat pizza or burgers. I find them filthy and disgusting.

heck yes!! i love burgers and pizza!!

only when i was i pregant.

i do :)


WOW! Thats a lot of stuff to put on a burger! But they all sound good to me! You have an amazing appetite, in the good way.

And as for the pizza, me too! I practically live oof of pizza, and if i dont have any money to buy some (which is most of the time) i make one myself from scratch!

That's a EXCELLENT combination for a buger!!! You should really consider becoming a cook.

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