How many goldfish would it take to make a meal?!


How many goldfish would it take to make a meal?

I have friends coming over for dinner.


You mean those Peppridge Farms crunchy cheesy ones? It depends on how many friends, but I would say about one bag per two people should do it.


depending on how many friends I would have to say at least 100 for a main meal up to 50 for entrees it really does depend on the number of guests

It all depends on how many friends you have invited.


2 packs maks for each person!

If you are talking about live goldfish.. probably about 50 to make a rather good meal and if you are referring to goldfish cookies.... probably around 50 again...

It would take 3 goldfish to make a meal.

One to make the salad, one to stuff and baste the turkey and one to slice the sweet potatoes.

You would have to pour drinks yourself since goldfish never reach age 21.

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