Does anyone know if it is healthy to eat a booger?!


Does anyone know if it is healthy to eat a booger?

I see lots of people do this, what is the caloric intake? Could they be packaged for future consumption?

Apparently it is. It helps build up your immune system, as the nose simply acts as a filter, but your intenstines and body will treat it as a mild bacteria/virus and so build antibodies to it...obviously, like all things, over indulgence is probably not wise, depending on how much you produce on a daily basis!

You could package them if you wanted to, but if you store them in the wrong conditions they would grow more bacteria and become pretty harmful to you.

You need to get your hands on a bomb calorimeter to accurately measure the calorific value of a booger...

"A bomb calorimeter is a special instrument used to measure calories in food. The food is first dried to remove water and then placed in a special container that rests in water. When the food is burned, heat is transferred to the water. The amount the burning food heats the water is the measure of calories. One calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree centigrade."

Sounds like a home experiment project for you!

Ur disgusting

i know and it's not healthy to eat boogers
they get caught in your throat and make you
wheeze and hack! eew!

Sure, the bacteria help beef up your immune system!

Actually, it IS healthy. If you're not sick. But I would NEVER EVER do that. Yuk

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