What is the thing to do in dinner parties?!

Question: What is the thing to do in dinner parties!?
If you are having a dinner party - provide the food (make sure you get enough), drinks (or BYOB is acceptable), music, ambiance!. Get everything together before your guests arrive so you don't spend your party in the kitchen but enjoying your guests!. Make everyone feel welcome!.!.!.its a party!. Show them where the food and drinks are and let them serve themselves (your footing the bill for thee party but you don't have to be a slave to it) Make sure the bathroom is clean and has enough TP!. If someone gets drunk and pukes in your home!.!.!.you can throw them out - call them a cab!. There is no reason you or your guests have to put up with a sorry drunk!.

If you are Going to a party - Bring something!.!.!.Bottle of Wine, small gift for the hostess (go to Tuesday Morning - its great!. They have exotic condiments, cookies, chocolates AND the gift bags)!. Use proper etiquite - don't get drunk (you might go home in a cab)!. If someone else is there that you cant put up with for a few hours - "I just got a call and this cant wait, sorry but I have to go!. thank you so much, we'll get together soon" then leave!. Remember - when you are a guest, you don't make up the guest list!. Leave at a respectable time - dont wait for them to ask "when are you leaving!?"
Sometimes people play pictionary, trivia - have fun!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Agree with socialising, light alcohol consumption, eating, playing board games, or playstation games (singstar, guitar hero) is another suggestion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Socialize (light conversation)
Eat good (finger) foods
(light) alcohol consumptionWww@FoodAQ@Com

Most formal dinners have live music or music for dancing!. I love to go to dinners that include dancing!. It leads to more "events" when all the lights are turned out!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

help them cook or what they need, talk with peoples, smile, and try to enjoy the dinner party well, and be friendly!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com


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