If round pizza's are in square boxes...?!


If round pizza's are in square boxes...?

ok well that pizza junk was just to get your attention=] my question is:
do you sometimes flirt with the opposite sex just to get them to like you even though you'll never really go anywhere.

my "friend" wants to know. lol jk

yeah,but they fall for me ;) i already know 11 guys that are after me. fustrating though..

My dear, that is why it is called flirting; of course; and its normal.

No way would I ever be so cruel.

if round pizzas are in square boxes, how come the pieces look like triangles?

Pizzas are round because pies are round. Flirting is ok, but if another guy likes you, and sees you flirting, he may become discouraged.

No. This is called being a "tease". And sometimes guys don't like that and will end up taking advantage of the "tease" because she asked for it. You are walking, or your friend might I say, is walking a very fine line. Not funny!

My suggestions - grow up.

No, square pizzas are not in round boxes.

Huh..? Well round pizzas are in square boxes because it's easier to ship and store.

For the first question, found pizza's in a square box will eliiminate the circumfrence of the pizza, hence making it less efficient.

As for the flirting part, I usually flirt with the SAME sex, and yes I am a guy. Where i draw the line is that you can admire a guy's penis at any time, but you cross the line the minute you put it in your mouth. Hope that helps :).

K, the thing is , I don't flirt cause I am with the one I want to be with, yet the others we hang around with want to bewith me cause of the way I hang on to my king.
I luv him with all my heart and they all want to be where my honey is.
So I guess my answer is no, a round pizza does not fit in a square box, since the one's who expdct a round pizza don't ever expect a square pizza.

I don't so I can't really put any detail in this.

Yeah, right, "your friend", and it's just evil the way u teased us!!!!!

Yeah! It's fun. It boosts your confidence. It's good practice. If I only flirted with those I really liked, I'd probably suck at it.

I think a lot of guys you flirt with aren't necessarily expecting it to go anywhere, but they still enjoy it! And all you guys who think it's unfair 'cause your getting "strung along": you can always ask the girl out! Then you'll know if she's really interested. The more girls you ask out, the better your odds of getting a girl. So, maybe we're doing you a favor!

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