Is it abusive if someone answers a question with a thesis?!


Is it abusive if someone answers a question with a thesis?

some twit named sparks wrote like 300 paragraphs to answer a simple question i had previously asked!! should i report him?

If it's the one about eggs, I thought it was hilarious and I'm sure he did it as a joke.

I wouldn't call that abusive. If you felt it was too long you didn't have to read it all. Not having read his answer I have no way of judging his reasoning for such a long answer, but length, in itself, doesn't seem abusive to me.

Well first off you gotta take into consideration that maybe it would take that much to answer your question. maybe they were trying to be very thero and informative. Like they could have answered it and then put facts to back it up. I would appreciate an answer like that. Now if it was just a bunch of B.S then Report um. But they could have thought they were doing it to the best of their ability.

Don't report him he was trying to be thorough glad that he gave u such a thorough answer!
iv seen the answer, it may be long but its not rubbish. It's good and u shd be appreciative that people put in such effort. Go read it thoroughly and gain an insight.

Some answerers like to demonstrate their erudition. A lot of pundits out there. A brief answer is enough, think terse eloquence. Not a reportable offense, but somewhere in Yahoo guidelines there could be recommendations for brevity. Good question.

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