How did Nacho-Cheese chips get it's name?!


How did Nacho-Cheese chips get it's name?

Here's my theory = One day a Mexican went to buy a bag of cheese chips to snack on. As he was walking home a street thug grabbed his chips and ran. The Mexican yelled "Hey man!! That's not cho cheese chips, bring'em back or I'll break yo arm! And, "not cho cheese" was misinterpeted by all the gringos who witnessed the event as "Nacho cheese".

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11 months ago
Nacho Cheese chips are classified as Mexican food people. I'm not prejudiced against Mexicans or anybody else. However, I do have a negative impression of people who have no sense of humor.

11 months ago
Nacho Cheese chips are classified as Mexican food people. I'm not prejudiced against Mexicans or anybody else. However, I do have a negative impression of people who have no sense of humor.

That is so offensive and incorrect.

"The term "nachos" came from Anaya's original name for the dish, which was "Especiales De Nacho," or "Nacho's Special Dish." "


That is a sorry old, old "joke" and you made yourself look like you are prejudiced against Mexicans. Not cool.

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