Anyone want to come over for grilled dogs?!


Anyone want to come over for grilled dogs?

I think I could cook them without even turning the grill on! LOL

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11 months ago
It's so hot outside I could just throw them on and they'd sizzle away.

11 months ago
It's so hot outside I could just throw them on and they'd sizzle away.

Sure I love grilled hot dogs. Wow I never knew someone to cook them without a grill. I gotta see this one. I'll bring hot dog buns.

sorry i dont know where u live

100% beef?

I saw a documentary about hot dogs on the History Channel. I've been craving Hot Dogs since then, I live in Los Angeles and there are NO great hot dog places, I have to be satisfied with Wienersnitzel.

I want to try one of those hot dogs with special cole slaw and special mustard, with the dog made specially for that restaurant! It looked so tasty.

Sure Im there.


Greasy hair? LOL! J/K!

Huh? dogs---you say, hmmmm..........

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