How is your friday going so far?!


How is your friday going so far?

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11 months ago
great for the ones having a good day, getting off work early, romantic dinners and mom night out.
for those of you who are having a bad day, i hope it turns around for you. everyone have a good weekend.

11 months ago
great for the ones having a good day, getting off work early, romantic dinners and mom night out.
for those of you who are having a bad day, i hope it turns around for you. everyone have a good weekend.

Going great! It'll be better tonight as my girlfriend and I are slipping to a bar for moms night out...we have a date with some Jose Cuervo and limes!

Two bad weeks in a row hooray!!

ok considering I am at work with nothing to do..which explains why I am on here

It will be better at 4

boring and ? am trying to find ways to entertain myself

Great - boss told me I can leave at 3!!!! I normally work until 4:30. What a guy!

Well, I'm at work and it seems like its going to be a LOOONG day :( its almost 1pm and I get off at 4....3 more hours! WOOHOO! I had my Starbucks this morning so I'm still going strong....Hopefully tonight will be a whole lot more fun!...I don't have any plans yet but anything can happen.

Thanks for asking! :o)

It's going alright...just kinda slow.
I'm ready for the weekend! ?

Pretty good. Since my doctor has cleared me, I am planning a romantic evening with my husband. I colored my hair and have a new outfit ready and have the romantic dinner in the oven.

Boring that is why I'm in the Food Category

my friday been going completly wrong my whole summer has been very very very bad and am ready to go back home in chicago iam hear with mean old grandma

Pretty good. Looked after my niece for a bit, ate sushi, now about to do laundry...

for my brother, its going "bad". for me? boring. thanx, uhhm. u seem kind

mines going great

Very well thank you for asking.

ho!--hum! ( I yawn!) sleepy!
I had to get up at 3:30 a.m. to take my friend to work.
Then,he calls me at 8:30a.m. to say he "might" get off
early,so,I stay awake in case he calls and I don't hear the
phone.He got off at 1:45p.m. I'm sorta awake now! Sooooo
I'm "playing" on yahoo! answers! :) As Bon-jovi would say,
"Have a Nice Day!" :)

Real good just woke up, drinking a brew, thinking about there to go for food. I think maybe a steak. And another brew.

wishing you a great wkend!

your a bit slow it's 12.32pm Saturday afternoon here,,,Qld,Oz. !

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