Which one to use? Any Suggestions?!


Which one to use? Any Suggestions?

Jet Puff, Honey, Chocolate Syrup, or Redi Whip

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11 months ago
Yah know... "~Chicken~" i wasn't really tryin to use them that way but those suggestions sound pretty good as well. Thanx!

11 months ago
Garlic & Rosemary Gravy.. aye? "Oprah" ur kinky!

11 months ago
Yah know... "~Chicken~" i wasn't really tryin to use them that way but those suggestions sound pretty good as well. Thanx!

11 months ago
Garlic & Rosemary Gravy.. aye? "Oprah" ur kinky!

whipped cream tastes good on anything. What about butterscotch?

chocolate syrup coz its tasty and delicious - honey is much healthier tho

chocolate. always, forever and ever, chocolate.

Redi Whip

Why not garlic and rosemary gravy? mmmmmm....I could lick that off the road!

I put chocolate on everything.

All of the above!

Chocolate syrup.

Getting honey out of body hair is just a pain, but Redi Whip is to die for.

chocolate syrup.
It's healthier for ya. Its good for your heart.

depends on if it is going to be used for sex or for ice cream.
Redi whip is not so messy for sex.
Chocolate is better on ice cream

redi whip


honey and chocolate syrup

I suggerst you try all four and choose your personal favorite. That sounds like the MOST fun!

Chocolate syrup

try this:
----Jet Puff Recipe----
Grahame cracker with chocolate bar and a big fat roasted marshmallow! MMM smores are yummy!

----Honey Recipe----
Take some ordinary butter crackers (like Ritz) and put a spoonful of peanut butter on top. Then add a squirt of honey to the top. Yummy!

----chocolate syrup recipe----

ice cream!!!!!

----Redi whip recipe( but i prefer cool whip)----

buy some mini pie crusts at your local grocery store and whip up your favorite pudding, and add a half cup of cool whip to it. spoon it into each pie crust and adda dollop of whipped cream to the top, garnish with whatever you want, and freeze it for about an hour. enjoy!

Redi Whip, Simply Divine!

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