What is that brown wrinkly thing in the fruit of the loom guys?!


What is that brown wrinkly thing in the fruit of the loom guys?

my sister guesses its a prune, but does anyone know for sure?

There are four fruits. The 1893-developed logo includes:

Purple grapes

Green grapes


Gooseberries or currants (according to the dictionary, they are the same thing, or at least both belong to the bush genus "ribes")

What are you talking about?

good freaking question

best question of the year on yahoo

umm, my vote is cabbage

I dont know what you are talking about, but it sounds like a raisin. :)


either a dried up terd or a raisan. personally im hoping for the raisan

ma balls

The leaf that hangs from some fruit, but he looking a little old

I thought it was a bundle of tobacco leaves.

OMG, this is a funny question. No, I'm not really sure what you're talking about...I remember an apple, some grapes, and two other guys, but not a wrinkly thing.

OK update, I looked on wikipedia.org because I was curious myself...I saw the picture and this is what it says: "The familiar logo with the apple, grapes, currants and leaves is ranked one of the most recognizeable trademarks world wide". Looks like there is an apple, green grapes, purple grapes, and the orange thing in question...so I guess that would be the currant. ?

a wang?


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