Is it merely coincidence that oranges are orange?!


Is it merely coincidence that oranges are orange?

Sounds like the chicken or the egg thing what came first the color or the fruit.

I think they derived the color orange from the fact that the fruit had that they made that color that name (sorry sounds a bit like a tongue twister)

well they woulda sounded pretty daft if somone had called them tartans wouldnt they

Yes! What are the chances, eh? Silver, Gold... any others?

They were probably called oranges because they are orange.

Yeah, but didn't they get the color from the fruit?

Could be. Why are tomatoes, tomato red or limes.lime green? something to think about isn't it? I could have made the first brick and said look at that smossh building thing I made, We'd all be living in smossh houses

No not really. Bananas are not merely bananas either.

the name comes from the spanish naranja, which english speakers mutated into norange, people would ask for "a norange" which sounded like "an orange", thus we got "orange". presumably the colour is named after the fruit.

natures way to show they are ripe

Originally they where green but I think it was Nell Gwen that changed the colour

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