What is the grossest food you have ever knowingly eaten or fed to the unknowing?!


What is the grossest food you have ever knowingly eaten or fed to the unknowing?

Grossest food question...details please!

Camel's tongue in Israel. Our hotel had a buffet for dinner. I thought it was some kind of roastbeef....that's what it looked like to me. I ate it and then then asked the server what it was and he said it was camel's tongue. Needless to say, I didn't eat any more of it!!

Fried liver.

Gag me......Liver is the worst of the worst!

Probably dog food, that was before I knew what they made it out of... you really don't want to know.

stewed tripe (cow intestines)

congealed duck blood, and I was warned


frog legs, I was told it was chicken. also tried alligoator, tasted gross.

A worm. I dunno if it's really considered a "food," but it was definitly the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. It was the biggest, slimiest, fattest worm I'd ever seen too. It was a dare from my friends, and I will NEVER do it again!

escargo aka snail

Pork....it was disgusting!

Vichyssoise (Cold Potato Soup - I thought that sounded good) that had caviar and truffle oil on top. I think I must hate all of the possible ingredients. It wasn't even food. *shudder*

Raw oyster floating in a raw quail egg. I ordered it to freak everyone out. It was actually pretty good. Tasted like meso soup.

They serve it in a white wine glass.

When I was much younger I went to visit my grandmother in the Caribbean. She lived on a farm and the tradition is that when family comes to visit the host/hostess slaughters a pig and roasts it for dinner. I don't recall the details but I remember the smell in the kitchen when they were cleaning out the intestines, because everything is USED nothing is wasted. I remember so well it actually makes me gag as I write this. Any who, they used the intestines to make blood sausage. It was AWFULL!!!! Words can never describe how disgusting it was. It was grainy, and kind of dry on your tongue like liver and super spicy as if that was going to disguise that dreadful taste.

i like chicken liver... and beef liver steak is good.

they are also very nutritious as they are high in Vit. A.

but if you think that's gross, lookup "dinuguan" and see how you feel about that...

went to thailand recently and saw lotsa fried locusts and other bugs in the street stalls, also saw what looked like extra fat maggots (they're probably some kind of insect larvae other than flies as they're very large) unfortunately, i didn't have the guts to try them... ( i sorta justified it reasoning that i might not have the antibodies for eating those sorta stuff that the local folks are already used to eating... but mainly i'm just chicken...)

Kim Chee -- Hot and spicy Vietnamese pickled cabbage.
Alligator - ick.
Squirrel - lol.


Believe this or not: but:

I baked a Red Velvet cake w/ the boxed mix for a dinner party,,it ws nasty.,It had white icing, and it was soooo nasty!

We all took one bite and the whole cake was thrown away.

Hog Head Cheese, I can eat almost anything, but once I knew what and how it was made, I couldn't touch it anymore.

the octopus was ok...

I LOVE Kimchee and it is more than Vietnamese. The Korean's eat it extensively.

My mother made me eat liver and onions for her birthday one year!!

I have to start by telling you that this person fully knew what they were eating but I am tremendously impressed with him for doing it. My son just turned 9 and a few months ago we were dining at a Chinese Buffet where they were serving sushi, or at least appeared to be sushi, it was raw fish wrapped around something. My son asked me what it was and I told him raw fish. This little boy is definately someone to be proud of because even after finding out what it was he ate it. He does this quite often, he tries everything at least once which is something I can't say for many kids in his age bracket. By the way, as he put the raw fish in his mouth the look on his face was priceless. He looked tremendously disgusted but he still managed to swallow it.

Cow brains in a taco it was sooooooooo gross, I dont eat tacos to this day!!!

oysters.......... yuk............i couldnt eat anything after that the whole day

Tripe( stomach lining) chitterlings(intestines)

yo cookin

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