I'm stressed can you give me suggestions?!


I'm stressed can you give me suggestions?

Im having a BBQ and I ended up feeling obligated to invite the 3 girls in my office since I invited one, I felt like I should invite all to spare hurt feelings. Well today the one suggested I invite my boss as well since they are good friends. This BBQ was suppose to be me and my friends drinking, eating and having fun. Now I feel like it's turning into something not so fun. I feel like I have to invite my boss now since it got brought up. It's not that I don't like her, it's just I would feel uncomfortable with her there. What should I do?
Any suggestions would be apperciated thanks

I think that you should just invite who you want to invite. Don't feel obligated just b/c you work with them. Just try not to talk about it so the ones you didn't invite will hear it. Basically you spend enough time at work, you shouldn't have to invite them if you don't want them there. If you already invited, it's too late to reneg, but for future reference.

Your boss probably won't go and if the others that you didn't want to invite attend, they will probably leave early, b/c usually good friends and work people don't really mix well.

Throw yourself off a building...or get a massage, yeah that might work too.

Sounds like you're just a nice person! But you know this, you can't please everyone. It's literally impossible. If you want to be safe about it, just invite people real quiet like, such as calling them after work for example or via msn or something discreet like that.

If those three girls are good friends of yours, and people in the office know it, nobody will think about it. By keeping it simple you'll actually end up sparing people's feelings, but if you try to please everyone, you'll end causing more problems for yourself!

maybe postpone it and tell them you would like to have a bbq with just your close friends and then have a bbq with the people at work later............i hate to be in your shoes now....hope all goes well.

You do not have to invite anyone you don't want to. Stick to your original plan. Quit worrying about what other people think, say or do. You have no control over it, and it really has nothing to do with you, now does it? It's your BBQ and you should be enjoying yourself with your friends. It's just that simple.

If you are off the clock and at your own home invite your boss you may find out she is human after all. Let her see that you are a good hostess that you are as good here as you are at the office, and who know she may have a good time and you and her may find you may have more in comon than you may have thought you did.
Well good luck dear and above all have fun.

1.) Cancel it and say you are ill.
2.) Have it another day and don't invite people from work.
3.) You should not do this if you feel it will be crap, just cancel. It is OK!

Don't be a tool. Forget the boss and invite who you want to entertain..it's your party after all! Sometimes a work oriented party can get weird especially if you dont really know the people personally and are just tryng to be nice.

I would go ahead as to how it all worked out. Last thing you want is your boss mad at you or any of your co-workers mad at you or feeling left out that would create unwanted friction just put this down to experience and find a new and different approach on how you ask someone to join you for lunch again or supper. The information is already out there just ensure they all know it's dutch.Good Luck

You could do the following:

Host your event at a local BBQ restaurant. Tell them that your landlord said that your "water main" needs work that weekend. So, you all go to this place and enjoy your meal...if it starts getting funky you just say you have to leave early. That way all of your bases are covered and you don't "lose face".

You have two choices - either spare yourself the preBBQ stress and not invite the ppl you don't feel like inviting, or else go ahead and have a bash and invite all! With the 2nd option you won't have the post-BBQ stress that people found out you did not want to invite them & got offended. Surely you can afford to have a couple more people in your BBQ. Bosses are human too, and you might find a side to your boss you did not know about before. By inviting her you are decreasing the employer-employee distance. I think that's a positive attitude. Anyway, just decide which causes less stress. Once you make your decision stick with it and enjoy it. By the way, if you think there might be an "embarassing situation" at this one, don't invite the colleagues and boss and have another one for them at a later date! Great excuse for another party. Goodluck and enjoy!

um..the answer is simple...LIE. Hahahaha. sorry... I always laugh when I tell people to do something immoral. Ok, this is how it goes... tell your boss and your other coworkers that you dont want to show up that it is cancelled because a bunch of your friends can't make it, and that you dont want to throw one without them (tell them about 2 days prior to the event). Make sure you talk to the good coworker to ensure that they know the plan. The odds are that the nice coworker doesn't want them there either, so he/she/it will likely play along. 2 days is enough for them to make other plans (so you don't feel bad for ditching them).

not the boss, you can't party with your boss
i don't even like my boss
you don't like your boss
no boss

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