Tell me how good this sounds and how good of an idea it was.?!


Tell me how good this sounds and how good of an idea it was.?

So me and my gf were sitting here and we decided to go get brownies and vanilla ice cream. How good does it sound to you? Fresh out of the oven brownies and vanilla ice cream on top wow.

Sounds yummy. But I would add a little chocolate syrup and a cherry on top.

sounds great! Now where do you live? LOL

dear lord...does your gf know ur gay......

that sound good I think i need to get me some

Who did you say these brownies were and why are you puting ice cream on them

it sounds about as good as a morning quickie

wow, where have you been? I've been doing that for years, and so were my parents. It's not new.

sounds good, vanilla mixed with Amaretto is even better.

always a great combo. but I deff do not want my oven on, its like 90degrees

how good? very good!

Sounds good.

Sounds perfect, bring it on.

Best idea I've heard today - but, add some caramel syrup to the mix - makes it even better!

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