What is your fav. candy to eat at the movies?!


What is your fav. candy to eat at the movies?

goobers ..



Pop Corn with a drink ! Goes well indeed , a perfect combination !

Junior Mints. They're delicious! LOL...

snow caps

Hot Tamales

Gummi bears

Junior mints!! Or Kit kat bites



hot tamales

crunch bar

I always ate the sno caps when I was a kid now I don't buy candy to watch a movie.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

raisinets- yummmy. I love them.

popcorn and a coke.....salty and sweet....mmmmm good!


M&M's mixed in with the popcorn.
Good stuff! ?

milk duds

milk duds


It's Sour Patch Kids, but I heard it was awsome to dump a few milk duds in your popcorn so thry soften up. I hear that the combination of the two is great!



im going to go with something different....RASINETTES!!! woooooot

All the Raisinets, Goobers, Skittles, candy bars and pop that I can fill in an oversized pocketbook - CHEAP!!

Sour Patch Kids and Butter Toffee Peanuts!!!

candy at the theaters is so expenisive. 3.50 for a box! i go to the dollar store right before and buy sourpatch kids or milk duds. those are my favorite. but, shoot they come in the same box as the movie theater.

jr mints..my kids like gummy bears.

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