What is the weirdest combinations of two foods you've ever eaten?!


What is the weirdest combinations of two foods you've ever eaten?

i'll put ketchup on any fruit

i'm pretty particular about what i eat with what. i guess comes from watching too many shows on food network. but, fiance eats just about anything with milk. last night we had spaghetti and he had milk with it. it always grosses me out. my grandfather also pours milk into baked yams and chows down on it. i also never understood when people put sugar on their steamed rice. i'm from south texas and when i moved to central texas i discovered this weird thing the locals do around here. at restauraunts that serve chips and salsa they also bring out butter because people eat butter on their corn chips. now i know this isn't a mexican thing so i'm not sure where it comes from. but i think it's pretty weird.

Ravioli with shrimp

One time I couldn't get to the store and was forced to eat refried beans, scrambled eggs and pasta for dinner...not very good

Tortellini's with soy sauce.

An english muffin with cheese, tuna, and peanut butter.

dip a dill pickle in peanut butter. yeah that's the one.

reeses pieces and skittles. at the same time.
my friend had both in the same bag, so i pulled out two orange pieces, thinking that they were both skittles. they weren't. it was nasty.

I haven't tried it personally but a friend's kid loved maccaroni, peanut butter, and tuna. Sounds like recipe for a pregnant woman in my opinion hehe.

turkey ice cream---saw it on iron chef america

pickle juice on a snow cone

Tuna mixed with mayo, cheese, mustard, lettuce, and Cheez-its all on a sandwich.

ooo i am a big ketchup eater, but anyways pancakes and syrup with ketchup

Doritos and vanilla ice cream

Fries and Ranch Dressing

Sugar Bread

Milk and Cornbread

Breakfast Omelet with Hot Sauce and Ketchup

I learned this from a pregnant woman with cravings.

French fries dipped in a Wendy's frostie. Guess you could sub a chocolate shake.

Perfect salt, grease and sweet - decadent!

putting chocolate ice-cream with mango ice-cream . It taste funny when they are melting

Ice Cream and French fries are definitely the ticket.

sweet potatoe with meatballs drenched in lemon juice.

My friend ben asked me to make him something for lunch so i made chocolate covered pickles... yeah he didnt eat them so i tried one and it wasnt that bad but i prolly wont eat another one...

I've dipped McDonald's frenchfries into their chocolate shakes. Yum!

A hot dog on peanut butter bread, split the dog down the middle then put ketchup on the split dog!! Fold in half and eat, with a glass of chocolate milk with Dr. Pepper in it, and a side of crab salad and crackers

A Watermelon Malt YUCK!

Prawn milkshake.
Chocolate covered Brussels sprout.
Garlic banana.
No not really, but they do sound foul.
I did once see a woman at a buffet add runny mayo to a slice of cake and judging by her expression when she took a bite, it was in error.

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