How do I know if the watermelon is sweet from the outside?!


How do I know if the watermelon is sweet from the outside?

You can not tell how sweet it is by looking nor by smelling and as for telling how ripe a watermelon is there is only one way and it is not thumping it, Thumping was invented by some silly Northerner trying to impress his wife with his vast knowledge. The only way to tell if a watermelon is ripe is by looking at the yellow spot on the bottom. Yes the yellow spot. The darker it is the riper it is.I will not buy a watermelon unless the spot is dark yellow, I mean dark yellow. Now if you are in dire need of a watermelon and none have dark yellow spots then I suggest you find another store or if you must buy from the store you are in then buy the two with the darkest yellow spots you can find and just eat the center of them since this is the only part that will be sweet and taste good.

poke a straw through the outside to the inside and suck.

You really don't. I've found that larger watermelons are sweeter because they've been let grow longer and are riper, but that's not always the case.

colour, size and smell. small ones tasts fantastic

you can't tell for sure that it is sweet; the best you can tell from the outside is if it is ripe.

It may smell ripe (a green and fruity smell) but that is rare for watermelons.

You thunk it with your finger.
It should make a resonant, sort of echo-y sound.

My mother and grandmother had a technique to determine that. They will knock on the melon as if it were a door, and it is either the ones that sound hollow or the ones that sound solid that are the sweetest. Buy one from each of the two extremes and see which one is the sweetest, and then you can continue to work on the technique as you continue using it.

The color is usually a first-impression give-away. If the melon is dark green proceed to the second test and thump it. The deeper the sound like a "bass", the more ripe it is. Thump seveal dark green ones to get a feel for the sound then pick the deepist sound one.

The Graystone melon is grayish, so look for a good demarcation line between the whitish stripes and the gray ones and the gray should be fairly deep gray.

All watermelons are sweet, some more than others but the ripest is the best indication that that particular type of melon is at its best.

Best in your melon thumping practice.

I've been told that to tell if a melon is ripe to look at both ends to see if they are not real green. My husband "thumps" on the melon and I think if it sounds hollow, it is ripe and usually sweet...I hope I explained it right.

Ask your produce person at your shopping store.Their available to help you pick one out.And I've asked them to cut it in half for me to see for myself because you don't want in mushy either.

knock on the watermelon, if it gives u the feeling that sounds like a drum, it is good, if it doesn't, then it's best u give that watermelon a miss.

u cant tell exactly but u could tell from size,smell,and probably the sound.

I used to swear by the "thump" technique but then I heard that you should look for a white or yellow area that shows where it has been lying on the ground -- this proves it was "vine ripened." I haven't been disappointed yet using this way of telling. (And, most of your better grocery stores or even roadside food stands have one that is cut open for sampling. It doesn't guarantee that all in the "picking" will be as sweet, but it's a good indicator.)

If It's really green.

Well seem stupid but try it.You have to knock on the outside.If you get a strong empty kind of sound that one is definitely a sweet one.

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